Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Exploring the Best Cebu Tours


Exploring the Best Cebu Tours

Cebu is a popular tourist destination located in the Central Visayas Region in the heart of the Philippines. Apart from the natural beauty of Cebu, it is also known for its rich cultural heritage and for also having the second largest city in the Philippines in Cebu City.

In this post we will give you the best options when it comes to the best tours in Cebu and look at a wide range of tours from natural waterfalls, the best beaches and historic sites that Cebu is well known for.

Cebu definitely has something special for everyone who visits, whether you’re a history buff, an adventure seeker, or a tropical beach lover. So read on to learn more about this popular destination and your best options when it comes to choosing the best options for Cebu tours.

And at the end of this post you will also get ‘5 Insider Tips’ to make your visit to Cebu a memorable one.

Planning a Trip to Cebu? Check Out These Helpful Services:

Find the best flight deals

This is the site I recommend, you can check all the different prices.

Best accommodation prices

I highly recommend this one, it’s the best option right now for Cebu.

The best way to get around is by car

Check out this site to rent a car and go at your own pace.

Cebu: A Brief Overview of its Rich History

Long before Cebu became a province 439 years ago, it was a bustling hub of trade in the southern Philippines. Cebu was frequented by traders from China, Malaysia, Japan, India, Burma, and other parts of Asia.

The island of Cebu had an organized social structure led by datus, who governed communities, settled disputes, and protected their people.

After the Spanish colonization transformation took place in Cebu. And this included introducing Catholicism, building watchtowers, and establishing schools. Despite facing economic challenges and political upheavals, Cebu has remained resilient.

And this resilience is the result of the principled and hardworking spirit of the people of Cebu.

Cebu City is a bustling urban metropolis. Also known as the “Queen City of the South” and offers the opportunity to experience Cebu’s historical past with the chance to explore sites

Why Visit Cebu?

Cebu is a popular and captivating destination for travelers. But what makes it so popular?

Apart from being famous for the bustling Cebu city (Cebu Province also has 5 other cities; Danao, Lapu-Lapu, Mandaue, Toledo and Talisay), the island is brimming with rich cultural heritage and historical significance.

Known as the cradle of Christianity in the Philippines, it offers a unique glimpse into the nation’s past. Cebu City was the first capital of the Philippines until the 17th Century when it was moved to Manilla.

Beyond its historical landmarks, Cebu boasts stunning beaches, world-class diving spots, and lush natural landscapes, making it a paradise for nature enthusiasts.

But probably one of the main reasons that visitors love and keep returning to visit Cebu is because of the people.

The island’s warm hospitality and vibrant local culture are a major reason to visit Cebu. Visitors can experience traditional Filipino festivals, savor delicious local cuisine, and engage with friendly locals to make for a truly unforgettable and enriching travel experience.

Types of Cebu Tours

There is quite a wide variety when it comes to choosing Cebu tour packages, from tours of the city and historical sites to island hopping tours and also tours for the more adventurous travelers.

Historic Site Tours

Cebu City is known as the “Queen City of the South” and offers the opportunity to experience Cebu’s historical past with the chance to explore sites like Magellan’s Cross, the Basilica del Santo Niño, and Fort San Pedro. Cebu city is the oldest city in the Philippines and was also the original capital before being moved to Manilla.

Cebu’s historic site tours provide a deep dive into the island’s rich history and cultural heritage, offering insights into its colonial past and significant events.

These tours provide a deep dive into the island’s rich history and cultural heritage, offering insights into its colonial past and significant events.

Island Hopping Tours

From the main island of Cebu you can access over 100 other surrounding islands and islets. The beach and coastal areas of Cebu are well known as areas of varied marine biodiversity as well as for its idyllic beaches – perfect for exploring, snorkeling, diving or just relaxing in the tropical sun.

Nearby islands such as Mactan, Malapascua, and Bantayan are popular destinations as part of island hopping Cebu tours. These tours typically include activities like snorkeling, diving, and beach hopping, and the chance to experience pristine waters, vibrant marine life.

Recommended Reading: If you’re looking for more useful information, check out Kawasan Falls in Cebu: Activities and Useful Information.

dventure Tours

For the more adventurous visitors to Cebu there are several options to enjoy and to get your heart racing and satisfy your thrill-seeking needs!

Options include canyoneering in Kawasan Falls, swimming with whale sharks in Oslob, and trekking to the breathtaking Osmeña Peak.

Swimming with whale sharks in Oslob is one of the tours available for the more adventurous travelers to Cebu.

5 Insider Tips for a Memorable Cebu Tour

i) To enjoy the best weather, plan your visit to Cebu between December and May. This period offers dry, sunny days perfect for outdoor activities, with January being particularly special due to the vibrant Sinulog Festival.

If you prefer fewer crowds, visit during the shoulder months of November or June.

ii) Try out the local delicacies such as lechon (roast pig), danggit (dried fish), and Cebu’s sweet mangoes.

If you are looking for an authentic local shopping and food experience then check out bustling markets like Carbon Market, where you can find fresh produce, handmade crafts, and local snacks.

iii) Always be respectful of local customs by dressing modestly when visiting religious sites, such as churches and temples.

And always ask for permission before taking photos of people, and be mindful of cultural sensitivities.

Don’t forget to get travel insurance for your trip—get coverage for: • Medical emergencies • Stolen or lost goods • Canceled flights and more I’ve been using VISITORS COVERAGE for years and highly recommend it!

iv) Preserve Cebu’s natural beauty by minimizing your environmental impact.

Avoid single-use plastics, dispose of waste properly, and follow guidelines in protected areas like marine sanctuaries and nature reserves. Participate in eco-friendly tours and support sustainable tourism practices.

v) You should also consider hiring a local guide to gain deeper insights into Cebu’s history, culture, and hidden gems.

And engage with the friendly locals, who are often eager to share their stories and recommendations, enhancing your travel experience.

Disclosure:This blog post may contain affiliate links, which means that I may receive a commission for any purchases made through the links.Your trust is important to us, and we ensure that all products or services we recommend meet or exceed our editorial standards

Last Updated on June 24, 2024

The post Exploring the Best Cebu Tours appeared first on Travel Experta - Travel, Lifestyle, Freedom.


By: Waisale Naqiolevu
Title: Exploring the Best Cebu Tours
Sourced From:
Published Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2024 19:04:20 +0000

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Safe Travel Tips for Avoiding DUI Charges


Safe Travel Tips for Avoiding DUI Charges
Safe Travel Tips for Avoiding DUI Charges
This blog post provides you with practical and insightful tips to help you avoid DUI charges while traveling and ensure you enjoy your trip without any legal hiccups.

Navigating the intricacies of DUI laws and staying safe can be a daunting task, especially with the variations in regulations from state to state. This blog post provides you with practical and insightful tips to help you avoid DUI charges while traveling and ensure you enjoy your trip without any legal hiccups.

Know Your Limits

Understanding your own tolerance for alcohol is critical. Factors such as your weight, gender, and how much you’ve eaten can all affect your BAC. Utilize online BAC calculators to estimate your levels, but always err on the side of caution. Remember that even if you feel fine, your BAC might say otherwise.

Understand Local Laws

When traveling, it’s crucial to be aware of the DUI laws specific to the region you’re visiting. Different states and countries have varying thresholds for blood alcohol concentration (BAC). Research the local limits before you begin your journey. Ignorance of the law is not a defense and being informed is your first line of protection.

Essential Travel Resources

❗Don’t forget travel insurance

This company is the one I trust, it’s one of the most essential things for any trip. It has your back in case you get sick abroad, or have an accident.

🎒Pack smarter, not bulky

Check out this vacation packing list, including all the essentials you need to pack when traveling, from travel clothing to backpacks and more.

🏡Where to Stay – Here are Suggestions

This is my favorite place to look for accommodations, it offers different types, a ton of locations, and good price options.

🗺️Get Around Hassle-Free

This one is the perfect option to look for different transportation options between cities, from flights, buses, and taxis to minivans and more.

🛫Find Cheap Flights

Whenever I need to fly, I head to this website for low-cost flights.

Seek Legal Advice

While planning for safe travel, it’s also useful to know where to find legal assistance specific to your needs. If you ever find yourself in a complex situation, consulting a Scottsdale DUI lawyer can provide you with the necessary guidance and support.

Plan Ahead

One of the best ways to avoid DUI charges is to plan your transportation options before you start drinking. Designate a sober driver, use public transportation, or arrange for a ride-sharing service. Knowing how you’ll get home safely can take a lot of stress off your shoulders and prevent any last-minute poor decisions.

Use Technology

There are numerous apps available that can help you track your drinking and estimate your BAC. Some of these apps can even alert you when you’re approaching the legal limit. Technology can serve as a helpful assistant in maintaining your safety and legality on the road.

Tips for Avoiding DUI Charges while travelling
There are numerous apps available that can help you track your drinking and estimate your BAC.

Listen to Your Body

Sometimes, your body can give you better cues than any amount of planning or gadgetry. If you start feeling tipsy, it’s a sign that you should stop drinking and switch to water or a non-alcoholic beverage. Paying attention to your body’s signals is a practical way to manage your alcohol consumption.

Take Advantage of Non-Alcoholic Alternatives

Many bars and restaurants now offer a variety of enticing non-alcoholic beverages. Whether it’s a mocktail, a non-alcoholic beer, or simply a refreshing soda, taking advantage of these options can ensure you stay below the legal limit while still participating in social activities.

Be Mindful of Peer Pressure

Social settings often come with a level of peer pressure to drink more than you may be comfortable with. Being assertive and standing by your decision to limit your alcohol intake is crucial. True friends will respect your choices and support your commitment to staying safe.

Know the Consequences

This might seem obvious, but understanding the severe consequences of a DUI can act as a powerful deterrent. The repercussions include hefty fines, a criminal record, losing your driver’s license, and the potential for causing harm to yourself and others. Reflecting on these can help you make more responsible choices.

Recommended Reading: If you’re looking for more useful information, check out The Traveler’s Essentials: Must-Have Equipment for Your Next Adventure.

Consider Alternative Entertainment

In regions where the primary social activities revolve around drinking, consider seeking out alternative entertainment options. Museums, movie theaters, and live performances can provide enjoyable experiences without the need for alcohol, allowing you to engage with the local culture responsibly.

Educate Your Travel Companions

If you’re traveling with others, educating them about safe drinking practices and the importance of avoiding DUI charges is a shared responsibility. Having open conversations can ensure everyone in your group is aware and considerate of the legal and safety risks associated with drinking and driving.

Avoiding DUI charges while traveling involves a combination of awareness, planning, and discipline. By staying informed about local laws, planning your transportation, knowing your limits, exploring non-alcoholic options, leveraging technology, listening to your body, understanding the consequences, being mindful of peer pressure, considering alternative entertainment, and educating your travel companions, you can enjoy your travel experiences safely and responsibly.

Disclosure:This blog post may contain affiliate links, which means that I may receive a commission for any purchases made through the links.Your trust is important to us, and we ensure that all products or services we recommend meet or exceed our editorial standards

Last Updated on June 23, 2024

The post Safe Travel Tips for Avoiding DUI Charges appeared first on Travel Experta - Travel, Lifestyle, Freedom.


By: Waisale Naqiolevu
Title: Safe Travel Tips for Avoiding DUI Charges
Sourced From:
Published Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2024 18:58:50 +0000

Monday, June 24, 2024

Discover 5 ‘Magical Towns’ in Mexico’s Nayarit State


Discover 5 ‘Magical Towns’ in Mexico’s Nayarit State

Nayarit is packed with history and breathtaking views, and visitors to this Mexican state have a wide range of small and magical towns to choose from when planning a vacation they will never forget. From islands and lagoons to gorges and valleys, this part of west-central Mexico introduces visitors to hidden gems of all sizes. Here are some of the many unique gems that make Nayarit State such a popular place to visit!


Sayulita’s beaches create a surfer’s paradise. After a long day in the sun, visitors to Sayulita can unwind in one of the town’s many spas and enjoy a tasty meal at one of its wide range of restaurants that suit nearly any palate. Other top choices among visitors to this town include horseback riding, strolling through art galleries, and visit Monkey Mountain.


History lovers will find plenty to explore when walking among this historic city’s many monuments. From the Cremison Monastery and Annunciation Latin Parish to Saint Nicholas Church and St. Mary Church for Greek Orthodox, visitors to these historic areas can learn nearly anything there is to know about the historic buildings that made this magical city what it is today.


The Compostela area’s many beaches and historic sites give this part of Nayarit something for everyone. Visitors to Compostela can enjoy some of the area’s best surfing options, hot springs, spas, and other scenic gems. Coral Island, AltaVista, and the Museum of Archaeology and History are among this town’s top attractions.

San Pancho

San Pancho’s culture is among the richest in the Nayarit area, and visitors can enjoy a variety of cultural centers and galleries that showcase nearly any aspect of life in this town. Top attractions include the San Pancho House of Art, the La Patrona Polo Club, and the town’s numerous beaches.

San Blas

The San Blas area’s scenic cliffs make it one of Nayarit’s most breathtaking hidden gems. This town is also home to various historic buildings, canals, islands, and other features that give it something for everyone.

Add one of these Magical Towns to your next trip to Mexico today!

The post Discover 5 ‘Magical Towns’ in Mexico’s Nayarit State appeared first on Traveling Lifestyle.


By: Luka Trcek
Title: Discover 5 ‘Magical Towns’ in Mexico’s Nayarit State
Sourced From:
Published Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2024 12:52:59 +0000

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Where to Buy TripAdvisor Reviews in 2024: A Comprehensive Guide


Where to Buy TripAdvisor Reviews in 2024: A Comprehensive Guide
Where to Buy TripAdvisor Reviews in 2024: A Comprehensive Guide
This article explores three platforms where businesses can buy TripAdvisor reviews in 2024, highlighting their features, pros, and cons.

In the digital age, online reviews have become a cornerstone of business reputation management. For businesses in the travel and hospitality industry, TripAdvisor reviews hold significant weight, influencing potential customers’ decisions. As a result, some businesses look for ways to enhance their online presence, including purchasing reviews. This article explores three platforms where businesses can buy TripAdvisor reviews in 2024, highlighting their features, pros, and cons.


Overview is a leading service provider specializing in enhancing online business reputations. The platform offers a range of services, including the purchase of TripAdvisor reviews. Known for its reliability and quality, has become a popular choice among businesses seeking to improve their online image.


High-Quality Reviews: The reviews provided by are well-written, detailed, and appear genuine. This helps in maintaining the credibility of the business on TripAdvisor.Tailored Services: The platform offers customization options, allowing businesses to specify the type of reviews they want, including specific details about services or products.Fast Delivery: is known for its quick turnaround time, ensuring that businesses can see improvements in their review profiles promptly.Confidentiality: The service guarantees complete confidentiality, ensuring that the purchase of reviews remains discreet.


Cost: The high quality of services comes at a price. is more expensive compared to some other providers, which might not be suitable for small businesses with limited budgets.Ethical Concerns: As with any service involving the purchase of reviews, there are ethical considerations and potential risks of violating TripAdvisor’s policies, which could lead to penalties if discovered.Essential Travel Resources

❗Don’t forget travel insurance

This company is the one I trust, it’s one of the most essential things for any trip. It has your back in case you get sick abroad, or have an accident.

🎒Pack smarter, not bulky

Check out this vacation packing list, including all the essentials you need to pack when traveling, from travel clothing to backpacks and more.

🏡Where to Stay – Here are Suggestions

This is my favorite place to look for accommodations, it offers different types, a ton of locations, and good price options.

🗺️Get Around Hassle-Free

This one is the perfect option to look for different transportation options between cities, from flights, buses, and taxis to minivans and more.

🛫Find Cheap Flights

Whenever I need to fly, I head to this website for low-cost flights.

2. BuyServiceUSA


BuyServiceUSA is another popular platform offering a variety of online marketing services, including the purchase of TripAdvisor reviews. The site is known for its affordable pricing and extensive range of services.


Affordable Pricing: BuyServiceUSA offers competitive pricing, making it accessible for businesses of all sizes. The affordability is a major selling point for small and medium enterprises.Wide Range of Services: In addition to TripAdvisor reviews, the platform provides reviews for other review sites, social media engagement, and SEO services, offering a comprehensive suite of digital marketing solutions.User-Friendly Interface: The website is easy to navigate, and the process of purchasing reviews is straightforward, making it convenient for users.


Variable Quality: While the reviews are generally positive, there have been some reports of inconsistent quality. Some reviews may appear generic or lack the authenticity that discerning customers look for.Delivery Time: The delivery of reviews can sometimes be slower compared to competitors, which might be a drawback for businesses looking for immediate results.Customer Support: The customer support is not as responsive as some users would prefer, which can be frustrating if issues arise. Don’t forget to get travel insurance for your trip—get coverage for: • Medical emergencies • Stolen or lost goods • Canceled flights and more I’ve been using VISITORS COVERAGE for years and highly recommend it!

3. SocialFansGeek


SocialFansGeek is a well-established platform that offers a range of social media and review services. It has garnered a reputation for providing reliable and authentic-looking reviews across various platforms, including TripAdvisor.


Authenticity: SocialFansGeek focuses on providing reviews that are realistic and believable, reducing the risk of detection by TripAdvisor’s algorithms.Customer Support: The platform is known for its excellent customer service, with a responsive support team available to address any concerns or issues.Comprehensive Packages: SocialFansGeek offers various packages that include additional services like social media marketing and SEO, providing a holistic approach to online reputation management.


Pricing: Similar to, SocialFansGeek’s services are on the pricier side. The cost might be prohibitive for smaller businesses or startups.Risk of Penalties: Despite the authenticity of the reviews, there is always a risk that TripAdvisor might detect the purchased reviews, leading to potential penalties or account suspension.Complex Process: The purchasing process can be slightly more complex compared to other platforms, with more steps involved in customizing and finalizing orders.Recommended Reading: If you’re looking for more useful information, check out Why You Should Leave Reviews When You Travel.

What Are the Risks Involved in Buying Reviews?”

Buying reviews poses significant risks, including the violation of platform policies which can lead to account suspension or bans, and the removal of reviews. Legal repercussions are also a concern, as deceptive practices can result in fines and lawsuits. The business’s credibility and trustworthiness may suffer, causing customer backlash and loss of loyalty. Financial losses can occur if reviews are detected and removed, or if unreliable services fail to deliver. Ultimately, the ethical and financial risks of buying reviews often outweigh any short-term benefits.


Purchasing TripAdvisor reviews is a controversial yet common practice in the digital marketing landscape. While it can provide a quick boost to a business’s online reputation, it comes with ethical considerations and potential risks. stands out for its high-quality and tailored reviews, though at a higher cost. BuyServiceUSA offers affordability and a range of services but may compromise on review quality and delivery speed. SocialFansGeek provides authentic-looking reviews and excellent customer support, albeit at a higher price and with a more complex purchasing process.

Businesses must weigh these pros and cons carefully and consider the ethical implications before deciding to buy TripAdvisor reviews. Ultimately, genuine customer feedback remains the most sustainable and credible way to build a strong online presence.

Disclosure:This blog post may contain affiliate links, which means that I may receive a commission for any purchases made through the links.Your trust is important to us, and we ensure that all products or services we recommend meet or exceed our editorial standards

Last Updated on June 22, 2024

The post Where to Buy TripAdvisor Reviews in 2024: A Comprehensive Guide appeared first on Travel Experta - Travel, Lifestyle, Freedom.


By: Waisale Naqiolevu
Title: Where to Buy TripAdvisor Reviews in 2024: A Comprehensive Guide
Sourced From:
Published Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2024 20:02:58 +0000

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Seaplane flight Maldives | Breathtaking views in 4K (VIP aircraft)



Join me on seaplane flight in the Maldives to one of the world's most exclusive resorts, Cheval Blanc Randheli. The video includes a visit to the Cheval Blanc lounge at Male's seaplane terminal.
Subscribe to my YouTube channel if you like my travel vlogs (one million followers so far). Each Saturday, I upload a new video about my travels around the world.


By: the Luxury Travel Expert
Title: Seaplane flight Maldives | Breathtaking views in 4K (VIP aircraft)
Sourced From:

5 Best Caribbean Islands To Visit In July 2024 (No Seaweed & No Hurricanes)


5 Best Caribbean Islands To Visit In July 2024 (No Seaweed & No Hurricanes)

Summer vacation is a tradition that many people rely on for their annual chance to relax in the sun. After a full year of hard work, you deserve a little fun! If your vacation is set for July 2024, no doubt you are looking for the perfect place to set up your beach chair, umbrella, and icy drink with a tiny umbrella of it’s own. 

You know that you want to escape to a balmy Caribbean Island. However, as an experienced (or well-researched) vacationer, you also know that choosing the right island really matters. In a year set to have half-again as many hurricanes as usual and after a few seasons of sargassum seaweed cluttering all the wrong beaches, planning ahead is the best way to make sure your vacation is the relaxing experience you deserve.

Fortunately, there are still plenty of calm, pristine Caribbean beaches where you can soak up the sun in peace and luxury. Join us as we explore the top 5 best Caribbean Islands to visit in July 2024.

What Makes a Great Caribbean Destination in July?

Low Risk of HurricanesThe natural currents and weather patterns over the Atlantic and into the Caribbean Sea put some islands at greater or lesser risk than others. The “Hurricane Belt” tends to target islands further north in the Caribbean Sea, while southern islands tend to be safer from storms – some not having seen a major storm in over 100 years.Beaches Without Sargassum SeaweedMost beaches have a little seaweed on the shore. Sargassum Seaweed, however, is a variant that builds up in large piles and becomes toxic as it decays. Fortunately, it only occurs in high density in some places. These Caribbean islands are low on Sargassum so your beaches will look their best.

1) Curacao


Curacao is a picturesque Caribbean island that is part of the Leeward Antilles. This gorgeous destination has 35 beautiful white sand beaches and a vibrant coral reef for diving. The island is home to several national parks for nature explorations, plus a fantastic historic downtown rich with street art and a live music nightlife.

Curacao is also considered one of the most affordable Caribbean islands. But most importantly, it is south of the Hurricane belt and hasn’t seen a hurricane in over 130 years.

2) Aruba

Aruba is one of the premier Caribbean vacation destinations known for it’s glittering white sand beaches and crystalline tirquiose waters. The island is bejeweled with resorts, casinos, and vacation activity venues with a vibrant selection of endless water sports. There are many opportunities for adventure as the island is riddled with natural caves, nature trails, and tide pools as well as the rich Dutch history of Oranjestad.

Aruba also has not experienced a hurricane landfall in nearly 1.5 centuries due to it’s location below the Hurricane belt.

3) Bonaire

bonaire beach

Bonaire is one of the lesser known Caribbean islands, making it the perfect destination for a quiet vacation of beach naps and nature walks. Bonair is known for it’s miles of unspoiled beaches, highlighting the legendary 1000 Steps Beach known for beautiful walks along the coastline.

The coral reef of the Bonaire National Marine Park is ppritinely preserved and one of the world’s best shore diving destinations. It also features ao 14,000 acre national park on the island with rock formations, caves, and blowholes to explore. Not to mention the local population of native pink flamingos and Caribbean turtles.

Bonaire is in a uniquely sheltered location and has been historically safe from storms alongside it’s other southern sister islands.

4) San Andres

San Andres, Colombia

The seven-sea color islands San Andres and Providencia are also particularly calm and have experienced only 2 hurricanes since record-keeping began. San Andres Island offers the ideal blend of relaxing white sand beaches and an exciting Reggae night life. Evenings are filled with music and cocktails while day time adventures focus on appreciation for the pristine natural features of the island, fromthe reef to the geysers.

Unlike most of the Dutch Caribbean, San Andres is a Columbian island with a cultural blend of Creole, Afro-Caribbean, Latin, and English-Caribbean to create a truly vibrant blend that will make you feel uniquely ready to unwind.

5) Providencia

The second seven-sea color island is Providencia, an island dedicated to preserving Caribbean natural ecosystems. Visitors are welcome to explore the many conservation and national park preservation areas to delight in the wonders of unspoiled Caribbean nature. Some of the peak attractions are the Mc Bean Lagoon National Natural Park, the Sea Flower Biosphere Reserve, and the Crab Cay. 

Not to mention, of course, diving and swimming in the Sea of Seven Colors. It is said that the waters there can be seen in every possible shade of blue.

An important element of Providencia’s ecosystem preservation is that severe storms like hurricanes are rare, ensuring that both the wildlife and visitors are protected from the hurricane season.

Your ideal July 2024 Caribbean vacation awaits.

The post 5 Best Caribbean Islands To Visit In July 2024 (No Seaweed & No Hurricanes) appeared first on Traveling Lifestyle.


By: Luka Trcek
Title: 5 Best Caribbean Islands To Visit In July 2024 (No Seaweed & No Hurricanes)
Sourced From:
Published Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 17:12:58 +0000

Friday, June 21, 2024

Is Greece Safe To Visit Right Now? Travel Advisory 2024


Is Greece Safe To Visit Right Now? Travel Advisory 2024

Greece is considered a very safe country by multiple government agencies around the world.

Pickpocketing can occur, but it is not what you should be worried about the most this summer.

Brutal heatwaves have claimed the lives of five tourists in the last few days. Most of Greece and parts of southern Europe are experiencing record temperatures due to warm air coming from North Africa.

Chania, on the coast of Crete, recorded the highest temperature ever seen with 112.1°F (44.5°C) on Thursday.

Wildfires are also an issue. Hot, dry winds have increased the risk of forest fires across the country starting June 18, the meteorological service of the National Observatory of Athens has warned.

Read on to learn about the current situation and how to stay safe when visiting this magnificent country this summer.

Table of contents

Latest News from GREECE Greece Issues Urgent Weather Warning After The Death of Five Tourists Owned to a Brutal Heatwave Areas to AvoidOfficial Travel AdvisoriesUS Travel AdvisoryCanada Travel AdvisorySafety Tips for Greece

Latest News from GREECE

Greece Issues Urgent Weather Warning After The Death of Five Tourists Owned to a Brutal Heatwave

Greece has had to temporarily shut down important tourist sites, schools and ask citizens and tourists via phone messages to stay home during the most intense heat hours, following the death of five tourists and the disappearance of others.

Among the dead is famous BBC presenter Michael Mosley, 67, who died from extreme heat when he got lost on his way home on June 16 after a hike.

On June 13, an 80-year-old tourist collapsed and died at an archaeological site near Malia.

On June 5, a 67-year-old Dutch tourist died while crossing the Mylon Gorge in Rethymno. Authorities said he suffered heart failure in the heat.

Later that day, a 70-year-old French tourist passed away while taking a stroll on a beach in Crete.

Euronews reported that a fifth tourist was found dead two days ago.

Authorities are still searching for other tourists who have gone missing in the last few days.

reas to Avoid
Athens, Greece

No government agency is currently warning its citizens against traveling to any areas of Greece, including its islands.

However, in Athens, there are a couple of neighborhoods you might want to avoid, especially if visiting solo or after dark.

Athens’ sketchier neighborhoods include Omonia, Exarchia, Kolokotroni, Victoria Square, Metaxourgio, Sepolia, Patissia and Monastiraki.

Official Travel Advisories

US Travel Advisory

For the US government, Greece is one of the safest places in the world. As of today, the country ranks at “Level 1: Exercise Normal Precautions.”

The most important advice for Americans is to register in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive security alerts and make it easier for authorities to locate you in case of need.

That seems to be particularly important now, with so many tourists going missing due to extreme weather conditions.

Canada Travel Advisory

Canada also considers Greece a very safe country and only requests that travelers take normal security precautions when visiting.

Nevertheless, the country has warned tourists about petty crimes like pickpocketing, purse snatching and luggage theft, especially in big metropolitan cities.

Safety Tips for Greece

As with any other European country, Greece is pretty safe but not 100% risk-free. Here are some recommendations to make your trip memorable and smoother.

Be aware of pickpocketing and bag snatching. These crimes often take place in crowded tourist hotspots.Locals say that no sunscreen can save you from heatstroke if you climb the Acropolis at midday on a summer day. Their words. Do not leave your phone or wallet unattended on the table, as they can be snatched up pretty fast. While in Athens, some “friendly” locals may offer to help you with your luggage. This way, you can get your bags stolen.Do not receive any gifts, including friendship bracelets. You’ll be asked for money once you put them on.Avoid walking alone at night. It’s not really common but some tourists have been attacked in the past.Be careful with “charming” ladies and men at local bars. There have been cases of drinkspiking.Haggling is no longer cool. Most street vendors will not try to overcharge you. But if you consider a price too high, just politely reject it.Be careful on the streets. Greek drivers are not known for paying as much attention to pedestrians as in other European countries.Do not wear hot pants or crop tops in churches or monasteries. It’s frowned upon.Do not wear high heels when visiting sensitive ancient marble ruins.Make sure your cab has a taximeter working the second you sit down.

The post Is Greece Safe To Visit Right Now? Travel Advisory 2024 appeared first on Traveling Lifestyle.


By: Maria Valencia
Title: Is Greece Safe To Visit Right Now? Travel Advisory 2024
Sourced From:
Published Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 16:34:48 +0000