Monday, April 13, 2020

Pandemics History, Airlines Implosion, Best Travel Movies, Tunnel 29

We bring you more on pandemics history, learn more about the airlines implosion, the best travel movies, the amazing story of Tunnel 29, bring you the best Covid-19 coverage, we learn more about the Fed, relief comes to self employed and gig workers, we see how awful the outbreak has been for the restaurant industry and a LOT more you guys. All here again for freeeeeeeeeeee. I almost bring it to you for free like I did not have other things to do with my time…why I keep doing this, what is wrong with me?

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Brought to you by the amazing TBB Amazon link! This blog is published every Monday and Friday. For now…

I will see you Friday, no regrets moving to two posts per month Mondays and Fridays, no regrets at all. When you see how much this blog brings in and compare it to the hours that go into it you will realize I am crazy. If I could only realize it myself doing this close to eight years, wow! Enjoy it while it lasts, lets all make this world a better place, okay?


Great site to track the pandemic in the US.

This is excellent! Obama’s Ebola Czar on What Strong Federal Response Looks Like. Ron Klain explains why government needs to speak with one voice—and what he’d do if he were in charge.

The high-level lessons applicable today are, first and foremost, let the medical experts be the touchstone of the responses—let them be the people who are formulating this strategy, let them be the spokespeople. And, secondly, use every power that the federal government has to harness that direction into effective action, whether that’s getting the right equipment produced and put in the right places, whether it’s getting the right people mobilized and put in the right places. The federal government has vast power to do things if a president is willing to use it effectively. Those are the two things, by the way, that are both missing from the current coronavirus response.

Tony Fauci is a national treasure. Tony can be most effective by being a part of this administration. He understands that to help us all, he has to work with Donald Trump. But he has done it without compromising his well-deserved reputation for telling the truth. In my Ebola team, when public anxiety rose, we had an abbreviation in the office: PTFOTV, which stood for ‘Put Tony Fauci on TV.’ That was our main response on the communications side. That would be my advice to the Trump administration as well: PTFOTV.

Another must read: Pandemics and the Shape of Human History. Takes you on a trip through history of pandemics. You will see the responses are so uneven across the board.

Even the mathematics of outbreaks varies dramatically from case to case. As Adam Kucharski, a professor at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and the author of “The Rules of Contagion” (forthcoming in the U.S. from Basic Books), points out, the differences depend on such factors as the mode of transmission, the length of time an individual is contagious, and the social networks that each disease exploits. “There’s a saying in my field: ‘if you’ve seen one pandemic, you’ve seen . . . one pandemic,’ ” he writes. Among the few predictions about covid-19 that it seems safe to make at this point is that it will become the subject of many histories of its own.

What makes this virus so alarming is the asymptomatic carriers. What We Need to Understand About Asymptomatic Carriers if We’re Going to Beat Coronavirus. Article goes deep into these carriers and has some suggestions on how to deal with this “dastardly bug“.

…not only can people be infected and experience no symptoms or very mild symptoms for the first few days, but this coincides with when the so-called viral load — the amount of virus being emitted from an infected person’s cells — may be the highest. That makes the virus a truly formidable opponent in our densely packed, globally connected world. We’re going to have to be smarter than this virus to stay on top of it.

TIME Magazine has a collection of great stories: Heroes of the Front Lines.

I have been consistent in shouting that the US response to this pandemic has been downright disastrous. These next three articles deliver an epic beating on the current administration and the clearly inadequate moron leading it…it just baffles me how anyone of intelligence can defend such series of phuckups, wow!

He Could Have Seen What Was Coming: Behind Trump’s Failure on the Virus.

How Did the U.S. End Up with Nurses Wearing Garbage Bags? 

This Is What Happens When a Narcissist Runs a Crisis

So many things have changed in our daily lives…One of them is funerals. I Buried My Grandfather on Zoom. Of course, the more tragic moment is that victims die alone without their loved ones…how horrible is that!

Visualizing What COVIC-19 Does To Your Body.

what covid-19 does to your bodyGreat short video on how South Korea handled the virus outbreak: The Big Lesson from South Korea’s coronavirus response. I am not going to put up the numbers here again of the number of cases and dead between US and South Korea.

We are trying to deal with this and learn from history: 5 lessons from World War II for the coronavirus response.

1) Centralize and coordinate the government’s purchases of medical equipment, including personal protective gear

2) Repurpose existing institutions and take advantage of existing expertise

3) Availability of materials is a key constraint

4) The crisis itself creates strong incentives for manufacturing firms to produce critical equipment

5) The evidence supports a strategy of relief now and stimulus after the pandemic

I have said before here how surprised I am how Greece has handled the crisis so well. And the state of Ohio too with its Republican Governor who very early “got it” and moved with drastic measures while we were being told in Washington that everything was under control, the virus will magically disappear (WTF!!!!!) and what a fantastic job they were all doing, smh. Ohio also made this amazing video too: Flatten The Curve. Leadership matters!


HOT CREDIT CARD OFFERS: New: The CitiBusiness AAdvantage Platinum now offers 70k AA miles. There is an offer for the United Explorer card offering 60,000 miles. The IHG Rewards Club card offering 140k points too, highest ever. For a standard workhorse card I recommend the 60k Chase Sapphire Preferred card. For a standard premium card I recommend the 50k Chase Sapphire Reserve card. For a standard 2% cash back card I recommend the Citi Double Cash card. Available with my links. Lets move on!

Not much is happening with almost no travel going on…Airlines and hotels have taken action to extend elite statuses, extend certificates and free nights and many other measures trying to hang on to their customers for the eventual return to the skies and hotels. We all long for that while stuck at home…

IHG Rewards also extended the free nights. Good, I had one expiring in August so it is good to now have it expired in December.


These are some brutal presentation slides on the state of flying for the airlines, omg! Impact of COVID-19: Data Updates.

Well, we can’t travel but we can watch movies at home! 60 Best Travel Movies that Inspire Wanderlust.

What a shot of the Greek Parliament building in Athens!


Lol! Every party in San Francisco.


This may help some of you: Here’s What the Relief Packages Give Self-Employed Workers.

Very educational infographic: The Fed’s Balance Sheet: The Other Exponential Curve.


Wow, what a find, what a story! Who brings you stuff like this huh? You know how demoralizing it is to put hours into a single post and then check my “stats” and see not many are reading my blog and almost nobody clicks on anything to at least give me the illusion that somebody even cares! Ahhh, that felt good so where were we? Oh yeah, this story is AMAZING: The Story of Tunnel 29. Must click, trust me! Escaping East Berlin underneath it. I once did that but I took a train from West to East Berlin!

Amazing resource: The Social Distancing Festival. This is a site for celebrating art from all over the world, showcasing amazing talent, and coming together as a community at a time when we need it more than ever.

I have a couple of articles how the virus has just ravaged the restaurant industry:

By the Numbers: How the Coronavirus Pandemic Continues to Devastate the Restaurant Industry – The charts are just brutal!

“It Was Gone Overnight” One restaurant’s struggle to weather the pandemic. – If you did not shed a tear after reading this, well, you can leave!

Working from home, this guy is amazing!

Comparing Obama and Trump pandemic preparedness. LOL, this is brilliant!


We are now entering BLOG BUZZ, a section for advanced hobbyists and veterans of this fast imploding hobby and also a section where I go on and on about some stuff that happens in my life because it helps me feel better about myself.

That was a weird Easter stuck at home…

At least I go out and run, here are the miles I have covered the past three weeks: 28.2, 31.1, 27.3. Now if I could only stop eating…

I am missing sports. Then again, I am not really missing them as much as I thought. This is all so weird.

There are only three days now: yesterday, today and tomorrow.

And I leave you with this…


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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.

The post Pandemics History, Airlines Implosion, Best Travel Movies, Tunnel 29 appeared first on TravelBloggerBuzz.


By: TravelBloggerBuzz
Title: Pandemics History, Airlines Implosion, Best Travel Movies, Tunnel 29
Sourced From:
Published Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2020 10:30:28 +0000

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