Sunday, August 28, 2022

Diva Duck: Amphibious Tours in West Palm Beach – A Cool Date!


Diva Duck: Amphibious Tours in West Palm Beach – A Cool Date!

Having two small kids is super fun. And traveling with kids is probably the best time of my life. However, as any mom (and dad) will tell you, having an adult conversation that uses words that are two or more syllables is a necessity at times. And simply hanging out with my husband is too. That’s why we decided to go on an amphibious tour with Diva Ducks in West Palm Beach, it was amazing, and here’s my full experience.

diva duck city place boat tours

Diva Duck tours in West Palm Beach

Since I’m not one for just sitting around the house, and need constant stimulation, I arranged a unique date ‘night’ (really during the day, I still don’t trust anyone to put my baby to bed) for my husband and I.

Diva Duck Amphibious Tour of West Palm Beach!

duck tours west palm beach

Talk about different.

Each year we visit my parents in South Florida, but never really took advantage of exploring the areas around their house. This time I went for the full gusto. Starting with a full tour of City Place (downtown West Palm Beach) and Palm Beach waterways.

What You’ll See on the Diva Duck Amphibious Tours:

City Place – The tour starts when we board the Diva Duck to land in City Place.  The main shopping and restaurant area of West Palm Beach. With a drive through the popular Clematis Street.

west palm beach duck tours bus

The Guide – Our Quacky tour guide gave a fun tour and history of the town and the area. She was also great with the duck puns and animated.

tour guide from duck tours palm beach

Land to Sea – Now the fun starts – dive into the water. Amazingly enough, the transition is super smooth. The only real difference, aside from being in the Ocean, is that we are now moving at around five miles per hour.

diva duck amphibious tours

Palm Beach – this is considered one of the most expensive zip codes in the US. So, naturally, we took a short cruise checking out some of the waterfront mansions that dot Palm Beach’s coastline. I’m not a big fan of rich people’s houses. Don’t really care for it at all. However, seeing the boardwalk and learning about Palm Beach’s history was interesting with a few oh and ah moments.

florida palm beach

My Take On It:

The tour is around 75 minutes long. It was just the right time frame, not too short or too long. It was a great way to spend the time with my hubby – learning something new, out in the fresh air and water.

west palm beach duck tours

There were some families on board with me, and I saw that kids were really having a blast with the quacky things the guide was saying. I don’t think it’s too much fun for kids under the age of five, but older than that for sure. So once my baby is old enough, we’ll be coming back for more.

Important things about the Diva Duck Tours:

Diva Duck – West Palm Beach Hours: 11:30 am to 2:30pm Address: 600 South Rosemary Ave, West Palm Beach, Fl. 33401 Phone: 877-844-4188 Cost:  SENIORS (over 65 years) $22; YOUTH (5 – 15 years) $15; CHILD (under 5 years) $5

Duck Boat Tours – Romantic Couples Day Out – Florida

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By: Marina 'Travel Experta'
Title: Diva Duck: Amphibious Tours in West Palm Beach – A Cool Date!
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Published Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2022 11:45:59 +0000

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