Saturday, January 21, 2023

Cafe Boheme, Antigua: Best Option for French Pastry



Cafe Boheme, Antigua: Best Option for French Pastry

mom and kid at cafe boheme restaurant antigua

Today we’re going to be talking about Cafe Boheme in Antigua, Guatemala. Are you guys ready for an adventure? Let’s begin.

Cafe Boheme is one of the few real French restaurants in Antigua, Guatemala. It first began to be the most popular because of their pastries. They have real French style pastries, and in Guatemala, pastry desserts are not that great. And it’s really hard to find, like really good quality pastries. So this is how Cafe Boheme started to become really popular.

Related Read: Best Restaurants in Antigua

Cafe Boheme, Antigua

Cafe Boheme used to be a small, little adorable restaurant with just a tiny little upstairs that fit two or three little tables. We went there and tried not only their pastries, but their food.

Sandwiches, Salads, and Quiches

Their food is really good. It does have a French motif as far as the actual food, although at this point it’s not completely French, it’s not as heavy as some of the French foods.

They have sandwiches and salads and quiches. And it’s really good food, like very fresh, really good tasting food.

French Pastries

The pastries, you can’t beat it. Sometimes when we enter, we immediately have to put in an order for their pastries because it goes that fast, especially for their brownies. They’re homemade, really delicious.

So when you get there and you want a pastry, order it right away.

Great for Digital Nomads

Now they have actually expanded, and they have this huge upstairs as well, like an upstairs terrace where it’s really popular now for digital nomads. You can go there and co work. They have really good WiFi. You have plenty of places where you can plug your computer.

On top of that, you can just hang out and drink delicious coffee and enjoy lunch or breakfast, or a dinner. So it is a place where you can now go and enjoy for a longer period of time. And it’s very common, and they have these tiny little rooms. It’s a unique place. So if you are a digital nomad, this is a great place if you just want to go and have some yummy food.


Highly recommended. Make sure you go and listen to my other podcasts about all the other different restaurants in Antigua, Guatemala to get an idea of all the different styles of foods, not only guatemalan food. This is definitely one of our top favorites. My son absolutely loves their mini potatoes, so we go there quite often. And their salads are delicious, huge and fresh.

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The post Cafe Boheme, Antigua: Best Option for French Pastry appeared first on Travel Experta - Travel, Lifestyle, Freedom.


By: Angel
Title: Cafe Boheme, Antigua: Best Option for French Pastry
Sourced From:
Published Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2023 17:00:24 +0000

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