Sunday, January 8, 2023

French Market of New Orleans


French Market of New Orleans

Whenever we visit any city or town in any part of the world, I always seek out the local markets. Sometimes we get really lucky and arrive when there are farmer’s markets like we did in Boston for their Hay Market. But other times some cities have permanent markets in place. The French Market in New Orleans is exactly that.

French Market in New Orleans

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New Orleans French Market Vendors

Mainly, this is an open-air flea market. Although, whenever I think of the words Flea Market I think of used, old goods. Which is definitely not the case for this market. The clothes, jewelry, collective items are top of the line.

new orleans french market vendors

As a matter of fact, some of the pieces sold here can’t be found anywhere else.

Plus, you can get a taste of real New Orleans food as well.

alligator jerky french market vendors

Plus, fresh fruit and veggies.

Recommended Read: Kid Friendly Restaurants in New Orleans

History of the New Orleans French Market

The French Market is a market and series of commercial buildings spanning 6 blocks of the French Quarter in New Orleans.The market is the oldest of its kind in the United StatesIt began where “Cafe du Monde” currently stands and has been rebuilt and renovated a number of times.In the past, the “Meat Market” was the only place within the French Quarter that could sell meat.Only after meat was being sold elsewhere did the name change to the “French Market.While part of this space has been dedicated as a market since 1791 in the colonial period  the oldest extant structures date to about 1813.Major renovations were done by the Works Progress Administration in the 1930s.

Recommended Read: New Orleans History

The post French Market of New Orleans appeared first on Travel Experta - Travel, Lifestyle, Freedom.


By: Marina 'Travel Experta'
Title: French Market of New Orleans
Sourced From:
Published Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2022 11:41:48 +0000

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