Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Ultimate Guide to the Western Highlands of Guatemala


Ultimate Guide to the Western Highlands of Guatemala

Western Highlands of Guatemala

Get off the tried-and-true trail to explore the homelands of the Maya people and Guatemala’s second-largest city named after the Quetzal bird, Quetzaltenango, better known as Xela (Shay-la). Here you can enjoy a trip through the bustling mountain town of Huehuetenango on your way to Todos Santos Cuchumatan, one of the last remaining traditional indigenous villages of Guatemala. In this post, I’m going to discuss the Western Highlands of Guatemala in deep.

These highlands, also known as the Altiplano, are great for adventure travelers. Here you can hike volcanoes and soak in natural thermal springs while enjoying spectacular views of mountains and volcanic lakes.

iximche mayan ruins in the Western Highlands of Guatemala

Guide to the Western Highlands Of Guatemala

Where is It?

See the map

Places To Be

These are the most popular hot spots in this region. But for the gotta-see-it-all traveler, scroll down to the CITIES LESS TRAVELED to get the goods on this whole region.


Get ready for a colorful, traditional, and sensory-filled time when you arrive at Chichicastenango (better known as Chichi). Besides being one of the greatest and best-known traditional markets in all of Central America and one of the most visited in the Western Highlands of Guatemala, you’ll have a chance to view the traditional ceremonies and beliefs still followed by the Ka’ iche’ Indians of this area. Plus, don’t forget your best haggling tools, you can’t live without them here!

Can’t Miss This

Market – Thursdays and SundaysPascual AbajIglesia Santo Tomas Fiesta de Santo Tomas – December 14-21


The second-largest city of Guatemala is quickly growing in popularity for its cultural hub and gateway to the Western Highlands and amazing volcano tours. With over 300,000 people, Quetzaltenango, is still the central city for the Maya Ki’che who still refer to it as Xelaja (Xela for short, pronounced sheh-la).

quetzaltenango xela in the Western Highlands of Guatemala

Can’t Miss This

Parque CentroamericaSanta Mari­a Volcano and Santiaguito (active)The Train Museum (Museo del Ferrocarril de los Altos)Catedral Metropolitano de los Altos

Todos Santos Cuchumatan

Sitting on a western slope of the Cuchumatanes mountain range, Todos Santos Cuchumatan, still follows the Mam Mayan traditions and the residents proudly display their local pride by wearing traditional attire. Men – straw hats with a wide, blue, grommeted ribbon and bright red pants with thin white stripes matching a striped shirt and oversized embroidered collars. Women – purple huipiles.

Can’t Miss This

Chuj – hot steam bathsCumancham or Tojcunenchan, ruins where Mayan ceremonies are performedNovember 1 All Saints DayHike to site of Las Letras

So much TO SEE in the Atlantic Lowlands and Coastal Region!

Local Market at Chichicastenango in the Western Highlands of Guatemala

Museums & Gardens in Western Highlands of Guatemala

Copavic Glass FactoryMinerva Zoo (Parque Zoologico Minerva)Iglesia Santo TomasRossbach Museum (Museo Rossbach)Pascual AbajMuseo de las Mascaras CeremonialesThe Train Museum (Museo del Ferrocarril de los Altos)Natural History Museum (Museo de Historia Natural)

Parks & Reserves

Hikes in the area are stunning.

Los RiscosLaguna ChicabalCuchumatanes mountain chainLaguna MaxbalLaguna Brava and its cenotesMirador Olaverri


There are tours being offered for all but Santiaguito. If anyone offers a tour there turn them down and report them to the authorities as it is forbidden to go there due to the lethal gases coming out of the volcano.

Santo Tomas VolcanoSanta Mari­a VolcanoSantiaguito Volcano (active)Tacaná VolcanoTajumulco Volcano

Hot Springs

Fuentes Georginas

Top Mayan Ruins in the Western Highlands of Guatemala

Kâ’umarcaajWajxaklajunhMixco ViejoIximcheTakalik AbajZaculeu

hiking tacana volcano in the Western Highlands of Guatemala

So Much TO DO in the Atlantic Lowlands and Coastal Region!

Nature & Adventure Activities

Volcano climbs and toursChuj – hot steam bathsHikingMountain bikingShopping at the numerous traditional and Indian MarketsRock climbing

Cultural Activities worth Checking Put

Las Cofradas of ChichicastenangoWeaving toursMayan Ceremonies

Less Traveled Cities

Tecpan – The town isn’t really worth visiting but the many steak restaurants lined along the highway definitely are. This is one of the local’s from Guatemala city and Antigua favorite places to go to during the weekends.HuehuetenangoThe Ixil Triangle: Nebaj, San Juan Cotzal, and ChajulZunilUspantanLaj Chimel, the birthplace of Nobel Peace Prize winner Rigoberta MenchTotonicapanSanta Cruz del QuicheSan Pedro SolomaSan Mateo IxtatanSanta EulaliaSan Francisco El AltoSan Andres XeculSalcajaSacapulasPachalumMomostenangoChiantlaCantelBarillasAlmolongaAguacatanAcul

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Western Highlands Of Guatemala Travel Guide - Travel Experta

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By: Marina 'Travel Experta'
Title: Ultimate Guide to the Western Highlands of Guatemala
Sourced From:
Published Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2023 12:00:13 +0000

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