Friday, October 6, 2023

Increase in Hurricane Activity – Confirmed Data


Increase in Hurricane Activity – Confirmed Data

According to a study conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, hurricanes in the North Atlantic have occurred more frequently in the last 150 years. Surprisingly, storm activity in the North Atlantic has increased overall as that of the popular casino online gambling game gry na pieniadze. The same pattern has not been observed in the rest of the world. The analysis found that the global occurrence of tropical cyclones has not changed over the last 150 years. This may be due to global warming, which is not equally distributed all over the world.

A hurricane rapidly reduces the temperature of the ocean. It serves to keep the oceans cool. A hurricane serves as a release valve for the tropical ocean. Climate change warms the oceans, releasing more energy and potentially increasing hurricane activity. This can include the storm’s duration, volume, and severity.

Exact predictions of long-term hurricane trends are difficult due to a lack of data. But data relating to Atlantic hurricanes from the 1800s is available. IBTrACS (International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship) provides authentic data on tropical cyclones from satellite measurements and aircraft dating back to the 1940s. It has compiled data collected from ships and islands that date back to 1851. All the historic facts available cannot be denied by anyone, but Kerry Emanuel, Professor of Atmospheric Science at MIT, tried to find those facts which could have been missed in the available data relating to hurricanes using a dynamical downscaling technique. He says that from the mid-19th century onwards, there was increased hurricane activity in the Atlantic Ocean. But in the 1970s and 80s, hurricane activity was notably less. Historical records also point to this decrease in hurricane activity. Emanuel’s group suggests that this might be due to sulfate aerosols, which are formed as by-products when fossil fuels are combusted and could have caused drastic climatic changes, leading to the cooldown of the North Atlantic region, resulting in this temporary break in hurricane formation.

Though sea surface temperature plays a key role in the formation of hurricanes, there is also a dependency on the changes in the local atmosphere for changes happening in the local sea surface temperatures. This atmospheric response relies on the reason behind the change. For example, when the surface temperature of the sea is altered due to heat-trapping of gasses (caused by humans), this will act differently, and when the surface temperature of the sea changes due to the widespread decrease in pollution, allowing more sunlight, the response will be different. This shows that hurricanes and ocean temperatures are complexly linked. Trying to improve the understanding of how tropical cyclones and tropical oceans are related is yet another active research area.


Thus, hurricane activity has been on an increasing trend for the last 1.5 centuries and several factors have kept this trend on an increasing note. We could also see that increasing global warming is not going to decrease hurricane activities in the future.

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By: Marina 'Travel Experta'
Title: Increase in Hurricane Activity – Confirmed Data
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Published Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2023 23:03:21 +0000

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