Friday, July 28, 2023

Summary: How to Live In a Car, Van, or RV: And Get Out of Debt, Travel, and Find True Freedom



2.0 out of 5 stars

 Information is basic, and tailored for American market

Reviewed in the United Kingdom ?￰゚ヌᄃ on February 6, 2016

First this is very short book, circa 170 pages in very big type font. This may even be counted as a plus of the little info in there was of great quality.

The book has two sides to it.
1) The phylosophical of why living in a van is good for you
2) The practical of how to pull it off.

The trouble is that both are covered in basic terms and for most poeple all the wrting will be common sense without any revelation, and oh, i did not know that moments.
I am buying books to expand my horizons and/or increase my knowledger and this book achived neither.

I am still giving it a 2 stars though as for a limited audince it may be just the ticket - buy it if you live in US, have not really considered living in a van, but you are thinking it is something you might like.

If you are hoping for UK specific advice better search forums on the internet. There are many better sources for the phyloshycal side too, being trapped in a consumerism society and being slave to the system.

Another saving grace of the book is the nice quotes throughout.

5.0 out of 5 stars

 Hits all the high points of a mountainous subject.

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on April 29, 2023

I love this book. It informs the reader in many major categories of mobile living. The book lets the reader know what to consider and then lets the reader decide.
I hope someday I can meet Bob Wells, shake his hand and ask him if he would autograph my copy of his book.

4.0 out of 5 stars

 Great guide by an experienced writer

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on March 26, 2015

Bob Wells, who wrote this, is a nice guy and has long experience in mobile living. I have met him and camped in a get-together with him. I follow his blog and occasionally participate in the forum on his web site. Clearly, I'm not a completely objective reviewer. He writes well and suffers a little less than most self-published writers from the lack of proofreading.

This is a good first or only book to read if you (a) see it as necessary to live in a vehicle due to losing your housing, (b) you want to find a good way to leave the rat race to the rats and live a more sane life, or (c) are already planning or beginning a life in a vehicle. That covers pretty much anyone who would be likely to read this book based on the title. He gives a disclaimer about all this being risky (with which I do not necessarily agree), then goes on with an introduction and his own story. He tells it well and it is interesting. He spends some time advocating for the mobile lifestyle, then goes into setting priorities. Following that, he begins on the "nuts and bolts" of vehicular living: choosing an appropriate vehicle (if you have a choice), either parking in urban setting or "boondocking" (essentially, free camping) on public lands, bathroom functions and keeping clean, cooking, communication, electricity, and temperature control for sleeping in vehicles. He adds a little more advocacy in the midst of that, but in ways that relate to the subject at hand. I will state that I have studied this subject for several years and have a little bit of relevant experience. I tell you that in order to support my next statement. Robert Wells advocates nothing at all that I do not believe will work well for those who use his advice.

So why four stars rather than five? As with most advocates, Robert Wells has a strong viewpoint. He lives in quiet natural places, many of which cannot be reached on ordinary roads. He dislikes cities and apparently cannot understand why one would want to stay in one voluntarily. Even though he gives good, sound advice for urban "dwelling," based on experience, his personal distaste for urban living affects his views. In addition, his recommendations for equipment tend toward high quality, durable items that many might not be able to afford. Even though I'm sure he is correct in an accounting sense (in the long run, his choices will surely work out better financially), those with less resources will make different choices for their own financial reasons and/or because they have reasons to spend nights in cities. In addition, those who reasonably expect to live mobile only temporarily will not need really high quality in items that will not translate in permanent housing.

Conclusion: this is a great book to read before or during the beginning of your mobile living, whether it's a necessity, an adventure, or an ongoing lifestyle for you. If you want the wilderness life that Mr. Wells lives and can make the beginning he recommends, you're all set. If your objectives are different or you need to use a different approach, it's still a solid starting point. Then go to his web site (given in the text), register for the forum, and use it. A wide variety of people post to that forum, and you can solve many problems right there. You will find leads to still other resources, too.

5.0 out of 5 stars

 Very concise, easy to read and inspiring book!!

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on February 25, 2023

Everything you need to know when considering being a van-dweller.I love the book so much I hope Bob Wells writes more, he is a fountain of wisdom!

4.0 out of 5 stars

 An Excellent Survival Manuel For the Modern Age

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on April 22, 2018

I've watched and heard Bob on many videos... his message is clear and his agenda is genuinely humanitarian in nature. He has the best intentions and motivation to help save and guide a person facing desperate financial collapse to survive and thrive... far more so than any of the typical government handout programs can. His alternative lifestyle will help people get back on their feet and restore their health and dignity. My greatest fear is that the young may choose this lifestyle and spend their lives as minimalist consumers while never contributing to any form of Social Responsibility. The lack of contribution would mean a depletion of lockboxes or allocated funding for those who did contribute and planned on having resources in their retirement years.
Bob talks about living free... but he did contribute for years as did many of his fellow nomads... they deserve their enjoyment of the bounty of this Country... but an additional message may need to support a fee for those who did not contribute yet... or enough to have earned their right to have a Cost Free lifestyle. Surviving is just one very important aspect of CheapRVLiving. Bob often remarks about the etiquette and responsibility to each other... I'm doing the same thing by highlighting these points... The young have a responsibility to work and contribute to social security and Medicare as a way to earn their future benefits and support those who have earned them. This also means taxes that pay for our Parks and BLM lands and services. Living with the Liberty to do so as a free person does and should not mean that the bill for our lifestyle is to be paid by those who continue to work at jobs they feel trapped by.

5.0 out of 5 stars

 The author treats the subject with wonderful hands-on horse sense--the kind of horse sense I grew ...

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on June 18, 2015

My immediate interest in buying this book was to learn something about doing exactly what the author did. And for economic reasons, as well. I'm about to retire, and I've long dreamed of vandwelling.

I have a big edge on entering the vandwelling culture. I've logged many miles backpacking and car camping, and the minimalist practices involved, along with the vagabond philosophy of vandwelling, have already provided me with a lot of experience. The author treats the subject with wonderful hands-on horse sense--the kind of horse sense I grew up with, from farmers and many tradesmen and tradeswomen who worked with their hands and knew the feel of physical reality. The author is such a person.

I'm finding that almost no one who writes or teaches about converting a van offers precision, step-by-step plans for a specific configuration of the interior and its fittings. This author doesn't, either. But he does touch on every infrastructural issue of living in whatever you construct, and his own practices and his advice are always spot-on: you'll know what to do.

He also deals with the extraterritorial issues of vandwelling: how to stealth camp in urban settings, and how to assure your survival if you go off-grid--boondocking. He urges asking where he might be allowed to park for a night--e.g., the police. He discusses matters of safety, both in town and in the boonies.

And finally, he advises humane treatment of all who might dispute your manner of existence: policemen and policewomen, who might be regarded adversarially, but who really are concerned with safety--yours and others. He speaks respectfully of commercial venues where the vandweller might access facilities for sanitation and cleanliness: trade there for something you might need. Ask them to use their facilities.

It is a substantive book, without pretense or any excess of words. From it you simply learn.

5.0 out of 5 stars

 Great Book with GREAT Information

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on May 25, 2021

This is a real great preparation book. If you by chance decide to go the van, rv or car route or forced to do it, this book contains alot of useful info. Im re- reading & taking notes to compare to my book coming out soon, "A Call For Greatness-a strokes, heart attacks, homeless memoir" . Bob is the man & offers alot of information, as he's been there & is still doing it. He maintains a website & is on YouTube videos i see all the time. Please get this book for knowledge if nothing else, believe me you will be glad you did. I wish I had it as a guide during my tumultuous times under stroke protocol & homelessness at the same time in south florida( 2017-2018). It is also a quick read unless you are taking notes. Information is always the key to prosperity. The website is listed in the book & it has alot of information that goes hand & hand with this book. Well, back to reading for the second time to take notes to help others. Nuff Said!! God bless you all.

5.0 out of 5 stars

 An Absoulte Must-Have Guide!!!

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on August 10, 2012

This is the most complete and in-depth guide to motorized living ever! Kudos to Bob for his ability to combine years of experience, research and knowledge and sharing it all in a way that is easy for the beginner to understand and help the more experienced to improve and enhance the quality of their nomadic lifestyle. But it is so much more than that.

Bob's personal story which he shares openly and honestly reads like a novel. It is the glue that brings it all together. What began as a tragedy led him to discover what we all want deep down inside, personal freedom. I felt like I was right there with him in that van on those first cold and lonely nights of desperation in the beginning of his journey to freedom and also that I was sitting with him counting the orbs in the Milky Way once he had found it. His is a truly inspiring story and he tells it with the dexterity of a master storyteller. But it is more than that.

This is a step-by-step in-depth guide that covers everything you will ever need to know, regardless of your position of progress on your own personal journey to freedom.It is an encyclopedia of information you will return to time and time again. There is no substitute teacher for experience and Bob's ability to share his knowledge and experience in terms that even I (as mechanical as a dead canary) can understand and, more importantly, apply is simply uncanny.

This is a Must-Have book for anyone considering this lifestyle or already on the road.I hope to meet Bob on the road sometime so I can thank him personally for all he and this book have done to help me on my own journey. Thanks, Bob. Get it now!!!

10 people found this

Joyce S.

5.0 out of 5 stars

 Very practical

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on December 30, 2022

Great book, written by a pro on the subject . Can't wait to use all the info

One person found this

Laura M.

5.0 out of 5 stars

 So much inspiration!

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on October 1, 2021

I ran across this book a few years ago. After I read it, I assessed every single truck and van I passed on my drive to and from work! I ended up permanently lending that copy to a friend, so I bought two more, one for me and one for another friend close to retiring. Then I moved and couldn’t find my copy, so I happily bought another one. Bob makes it all seem quite possible, whether you have to live in a vehicle or want to live in a vehicle. He has suggestions for all levels of funding, of stealth, and of comfort. It’s just a great overall book and I would certainly recommend it whether living on wheels is something you planned for or something you never planned for.

Rita Reads

4.0 out of 5 stars

 Has a lot to say, and not just about living in your car, van, or RV

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on May 10, 2018

This may sound like a backhanded compliment, but this is the most poorly edited book I ever finished. I finished it because it is such a good book: includes useful, valuable information, and the author has a good "voice." I like the way he writes--if only he could finish a paragraph without a grammar mistake. The book is so good, I almost wanted to volunteer to edit it. So much for the writing. As to content, it is so good. I have camped with just sleeping bags, and later with a tent. I have lived only for a few months in an RV, and stayed (for the most part) in commercial RV parks, so my experience is nothing compared to his, but I can tell that his information is sound, and would help anyone who wanted to live permanently, or semi-permanently, in their car, van, or RV. It makes me a little nostalgic. I lived for 15 years in the forest 40 miles from town, and now live in the desert, and can relate to the places he likes. Even if you never do live in your car, van, or RV, his values come through like a clear beacon of light.

4 people found this

Jerry Katz

5.0 out of 5 stars

 Easy Reading, Essential Information, and a Healthy Perspective

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on August 11, 2012

Regardless of your state emotionally and materially, Bob Wells doesn't judge you. He simply suggests that living a life on the road is more natural than living in a fixed dwelling with a mortgage, a deed, a lease. It's more natural, he says, because it isn't fixed, it isn't safe. Your life is more raw. You are exposed. You are living closer to nature. Therefore, he says, you may find yourself being happier.

What a healthy perspective. Other authors have written this kind of book from the viewpoints of paranoia or the notion that there's something romantic about abandonment of places, people, and or even one's best self. Worst though, some authors have no alternative point of view, they're just inviting the reader to move from their secure house to a secure RV in a secure RV park. I'd rather hear the paranoid guy tell me about the best kinds of bullet-proof glass for my van.

But like I said, Wells is none of that. He fuses his realistic yet positive and hopeful philosophy with a lot of practicality. In that way he prepares you mentally and then he gets you on the road with excellent and specific advise on every major concern regarding living in a vehicle.

At the end of the book Bob doesn't leave you stranded. He steers you to forums where you can ask further questions, meet people, and drive further into the sub-culture of vandwelling, car living, and RVing. He invites you to write and visit him, wherever he may be camped.

I recommend this book to those interesed in mobile living, to those who are into simplicity or life editing, and also to anyone living or planning to live within some form of alternative housing. It's an easy, highly informative, and fascinating read.

97 people found this

Steve McFadden

4.0 out of 5 stars

 So should you buy the book?

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on September 30, 2015

Hi, I would actually rate it a 4.5 stars if there was a way to do it. The information contained in the book is very good and considers different options as to which model of living in a car, van or RV might be best with the pros and cons of each model pointed out. It also provides some advise on how to set your vehicle up to minimise some common deficiencies. It also provides advise on how to minimise attracting unwelcome attention to yourself and help protect the capacity for people to live in this way.

I was talking through some of the things I learnt from with book with a experienced(12 years) "car/van/RV" dweller and he agreed with what I learnt from this book. In fact on three occasions I noticed his ears prick up when I mentioned items that I learnt - he told me that he hadn't thought of that and would two of them into his routine. So even for experienced vehicle dwellers there might be some lessons.

The books not perfect for me as it contains some USA specific information but most of it is easily adaptable to Australia. So should you buy it?. Yes, the money savings or improved comfort levels you could have far outweigh the cost of the book.

6 people found this

Bill McLean

5.0 out of 5 stars


Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on November 17, 2014

At age 76, I really am not seeking a better life living on streets, parking lots, camp grounds and highways, But I do have much understanding of this. My mother lived in a car for many years, some of those with me as a child passenger. Mother always used junk cars. Her first was an early Model T Ford that had to be hand-cranked to get the motor to start - no motor - no lights - no nothing - only shelter. With this she traversed from Los Angeles to New York City and back, three times before I turned three.

However, I purchased this book only to get enough information to provide a back-up position should the GRID become destroyed. For that I am satisfied. And, on top of this, I'm now set-up to take any number of affordable trips. Knowledge is better than money.

With the information covered in this book, many alternative choices can make highway freedom available - just not to START by the aged and infirm. But all the odd-and-ins that I have ever known, and an awful lot that I never even imagined, are revealed in this one book. Any intelligent healthy person can make this an exciting and relatively safe way of life. If I had all this information fifty years ago, I would, like my mother, have become owned by the highway.


7 people found this


5.0 out of 5 stars


Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on November 19, 2022

This book is very informative if you want to be a nomad or even getting your vehicle for camping or vacation. Love it!!!!

One person found this

Amazon Customer

5.0 out of 5 stars

 Excellent Emergency Information

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on August 20, 2022

This book was recommended to me as being in an emergency situation. You probably don't even know someone who lives in their vehicle. It is easy-to-read and full of information you just hope you will never need. I'm glad I read it. Hoping's not enough. Be prepared.

5 people found this

Paula P.

5.0 out of 5 stars

 Stop dreaming it; just go!

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on October 7, 2015

Yep, stop planning it! This book will help you clarify your thinking because you can get overwhelmed just trying to answer all the pertinent questions. Bob has lots of answers -- his perspective will lead you to see what it is that YOU want and need. Bob inspires you to just go -- you are missing out if you don't. Get your stuff and go - just take a dry-run trip overnight. Cover the windows with cardboard, or tape some screen over open windows if you're going to a park. Get your sleeping pad and blanket, pillow, sheet -- whatever you need and Bob's book. Take a little box containing a bottle of water, some cheese crackers, an apple, a bottle of Muscle Milk (the kind that needs no refrigeration) and go. If you go to your local state park, you can take a towel bag and bar of soap & take a shower. That will help think of what you need. Re-read the book, applying what he says to YOUR needs and YOUR situation. and spend the night, Then you'll know what you really need. Think like a backpacker or a motorcycle camper -- equip yourself VERY lightly. This book made me realize that a long road trip can be VERY affordable and restful. It's a wonderful book.

3 people found this


5.0 out of 5 stars

 Highly Informative, well written and fun to read

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on July 19, 2015

By far, the most informative and most concisely written book I've found on van camping of any duration, but much of what he covers would also benefit RV-ers who want to cut costs, or become more cost-efficient.

Having read a number of somewhat disappointing books on van camping where fluff and preaching overshadows useful information, this author's writing style is straightforward, yet personalized; and compellingly easy to read, with a lot of really here-and-now valuable content. For instance, how to have 110 power--from just enough for small uses to a lot, and the varying ways to buy (or rig) same is presented understandably, even if you know nothing about it, which I don't. I actually have a basic understanding of choices that would be available to me and what it would cost, both in money and weight/space. He covers everything from showering and personal hygiene alternatives to internet/phone choices. All I can say is my book got heavily highlighted because there was just a ton of stuff I wanted to bookmark. Last but not least, in the few places when a topic's choices are too complex to reasonably include in depth, he lists the actual choices with enough explanation so that you can go straight to one that best fits your needs, and have a good idea what you're looking for, and what to watch for.

A really excellent "how to" book. Truly 5-star recommendable!

88 people found this


4.0 out of 5 stars

 A good car camping book.

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on January 1, 2022

I liked it small size. Good to save space in your car home. CHEAP RV Living is his you tube channel. He has been living on the road for many years. I consider him an expert on living in your vehicle. I have only read a few pages but plan on finishing the book soon.

2 people found this


4.0 out of 5 stars

 Very enlightening

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on April 15, 2022

This is something I am considering and this book answered many of my questions. It also gave new perspectives to my choices.

5.0 out of 5 stars

 Perfect Primer for Newbies, Great Guide for the Intrepid

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on November 14, 2017

Bob Wells rocks. This book contains much of the information that is on his CheapRVLiving website but presents it in an easy to digest format. The authors years of first-hand experience lend great credence to the material he shares. Add to this his humble demeanor and willingness to directly assist readers -- and you have the tools to follow his example, establish resiliency, and work toward self-sufficiency.

This book is well worth the price and proves far more useful than the many other related titles on Amazon's book shelf. Yes, there are some minor typographical errors and the book could benefit from a slightly different outline but these trivial shortcomings do not detract from its usefulness.

If you are thinking about converting a vehicle into a camper, bug-out-buggy, or mini-RV you must read this book early. Mr. Wells does not provide the most in-depth details on building solar energy or water/sanitation systems, but he provides an easily digested primer that leads readers to identify those areas where additional research and study will be warranted.

My first van conversion project predated this book. My present project will be indebted to it.

33 people found this

Nomad Nan

5.0 out of 5 stars

 Bob Wells is The Real Deal!

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on March 15, 2021

I discovered Bob Wells via YouTube in late-December 2019 or early-January 2020. In 2018, I'd begun planning SUV camping, & Bob confirmed what I was sure was possible. Because of some medical issues, I wasn't able to start camping when I'd planned, but I now have over 6 months experience vandwelling in the Snow Belt of the Great Lakes.
This book is The Real Deal. I've already experienced much of what he talks about, from using reflectix, to having lots of (height-reducing) fluffy "bathroom" rugs on my floor, to using informal bathroom facilities, to cooking in a van.
If you're thinking about living on the road even for just your 2-week summer vacation, Bob's advice will greatly help!

Samuel Saladino

4.0 out of 5 stars

 Good Overall View

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on June 3, 2013

A lot of the information the author covers in this book can be found on the Internet, but don't forget he's saving you all the stress of digging and finding that information. He also gives you his own personal views on a variety of vehicles, styles, places to camp and that's priceless in helping you to decide IF this is for you, or not. I've been thinking about doing this same thing myself after retiring, which in August of this year I'll be receiving my first retirement benefit check. I love to travel and love the freedom from things that become a necessity to those who own and stay in a permanent location. No property tax, no utility bills, no house insurance to cover maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars in a loss and the high premiums. And for Pete's Sake if I don't like the weather I can turn a key and MOVE at a moment's notice!

Loaded with lots of good information and links to find even more information that will be extremely important to help you gather all the information you will need to make that decision for yourself. Worth the investment.

3 people found this


5.0 out of 5 stars

 Benefits outweigh the restrictions!

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on August 9, 2021

A new review of the Nomad lifestyle, and the related reduction of living expenses, has to be more tempting now with the national housing costs skyrocketing. The ideas and tips in this book can help anyone make the better decisions needed to switch to this way of life. And the frame-of-mind needed to live a simpler life may be one of the most difficult parts of the changes a person makes to live this way. This book is a necessary guide, and textbook of learning, toward the lifestyle of a self-sufficient individual and their vehicle!

Randyl J

5.0 out of 5 stars

 An Excellent Resource for Cheaper Living Via a Van, Car or RV

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on May 6, 2018

I wondered how this book compares with Bob Well’s excellent videos? I was sure the videos already answered everything. However, this book is great because there’s additional detail and information all in one source. I made notes from the “Getting Electricity to a Van” (or any vehicle) and there was more information about solar, heating and AC, even though the videos now have updated information on solar. Bob covers a lot of great basic full-time mobile living information that can be applied to any RV lifestyle. I also love his positive philosophy and ideals. And Yes! He does answer e-mail! I had a question about an earlier video and I got a very fast, professional response which I truly appreciate. I especially like the book as a resource I can pick up and check if I have something that needs work done. Even if I can’t do it, Bob’s book will help me explain what I need to someone else. I’m adding it to my RV Resource Collection.

One person found this


5.0 out of 5 stars

 More than a simple “how to” guide

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on April 24, 2021

This book is a great vanlife introduction. It is for those who decide to live full time on the road. At the same time it’s an introduction to a modern philosophy: living simple outside the established society.

The author was forced to do so and discovered that he loved this life. His experiences, philosophy and life make this book a basic read on the subject.

It is also a good read for those who want to learn about vanlife.

(I reas this book with my Kindle Unlimited membership.)


5.0 out of 5 stars

 Re-discovering YOUR life!

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on September 7, 2017

This is a one of a kind book, that not only teaches you 'how to live in a car, van, or RV but teaches you so much more! This book is loaded with ideas about living YOUR life, YOUR way! Bob Wells has decided to get out of 'the rat race'. He makes you re-think about all the things, that YOU thought were the most important things in getting a good job, getting married, having kids, buying houses, cars, etc, etc, and at the same time, NOT saving any of your money for your real happiness...being free to enjoy this incredibly gorgeous country, the USA, while you are still healthy enough to do it. It makes you re-examine your present life. Is it the life you thought you were going to have? This book is much, much MORE than a survival guide in the outdoors, it is a book about "taking back your life" and doing what YOU want to do, NOT what society says you are supposed to do.

11 people found this

Roger J

4.0 out of 5 stars

 Food For Thought

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on January 14, 2018

What I like most was Bob's reminding me of or bringing to light lifestyle choices (those made or yet to be made) which warrant serious consideration or reconsideration. His tips,tricks, product information was pertinent. I hope I never have to eat out of a dumpster.

What was missing is how do vandwellers deal with physical or mental illness, or serious health conditions (example cancer)? Do you drive back to your family or to the government and say "here I am take care of me"? Or do you hand your keys & title over to another vandweller and walk off into the wilderness to feed the earth with your remains?

What I didn't like (minus 1 star) was his repetition of topics already presented. So much so I was wondering if my Kindle copy had a glitch in it where parts of the book were duplicated in my electronic copy.

85 people found this

Wayne Bee

5.0 out of 5 stars

 Loaded with relative mobile living ideas.

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on July 27, 2022

I liked the information in the book after watching Bob's YouTube channel. I will look at it as reference and guidance.

One person found this

David Slaughter

5.0 out of 5 stars

 A great reference tool/how to guide.

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on June 28, 2021

If you are a fan of Bob's Cheap RV Living youtube channel you won't be disappointed in the least with this book. Sometimes info covered in his videos can get missed and the book slows it down into a great reference material. The info is getting a little dated as the world is ever changing but if you do the least bit of research that's easy enough to overcome. This book will easily save you the purchase price many times over.


5.0 out of 5 stars

 You need to know the "why" before you decide on the "how"

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on January 9, 2013

What is being discussed in this book, to most of us, is a significant change in lifestyle. Much like any good book written about making a major life-change, this book first starts by helping the reader determine if they are someone who is likely to enjoy such a life. To his credit, Robert is not trying to sell his lifestyle; he is trying to describe how he found happiness in life. For instance, he lists the characteristics that he has found to be the best indicators on who most enjoy this particular lifestyle.

For those who read through this first section of the book ("is the life for you"...) and arrive at an answer of "yes" are then given a step-by-step (chapter-by-chapter) walk-through of for each major decision along the pathway to life. For example, based on your tastes, personal needs, and financial restraints; which is the right vehicle for you?

I cannot say which readers will find happiness in this lifestyle. However, I have done hundreds of hours of research on this topic and I have found this book to be an excellent beginner's guide and introduction to this lifestyle.

7 people found this

Kelly Pifer

4.0 out of 5 stars

 It romanticizes the van life and too many sales pitches, but I liked him.

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on November 19, 2021

I liked it, but it seems like Bob has become a salesmen more than anything. I learned a lot though. I hope to catch up with him at the RTR


4.0 out of 5 stars

 Classic for beginning cheap RV living

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on January 3, 2021

Bob Wells answer to high rents was living in a van. It could happen to any of us, natural as well as economic disasters. He tells you how to do it more comfortably. Check him out on YouTube. Now HOWA (Homes On Wheels Alliance) is even converting mini-vans for people in need. Psst, it can even be fun.


5.0 out of 5 stars

 How to Live Your Life!

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on November 11, 2015

I received this book yesterday and immediately read it. For anyone contemplating living a mobile lifestyle, this book offers a lot of suggestions on how to go about it. It addresses both the psychology of preparing for such a decision and the practical solutions for going about it. If you are a van dweller in particular, you will love this book. It addresses how to choose a vehicle, the pros and cons of that choice, and the many challenges faced with living in such a limited space. This book is much more than a "how to" book. Written in a down to earth style, that anyone can relate to, it challenges you to examine your life and offers you another perspective on how to reconnect with the human spirit, rediscover joy, and free yourself from the psychological chains that have driven most of your life style decisions. I loved it. It should be re-titled, How To Live Your Life.

2 people found this

S. Wallace

5.0 out of 5 stars

 An old "new" way of living

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on May 8, 2014

Very very very interesting. This is actually an old way of living making a come-back. A different approach to living frugally and the book covers a lot of how to actually live in a van, the good and bad, and save money to do what you like while you are a vandweller. A lot of people that have lost their homes need to read this book because it's more of an attitude to live frugally than thinking they're a disadvantaged, misplaced, ex-home owner that's got nowhere else to go for the time being. Vandwelling is a satisfying way of life for many and they choose it over paying for a mortgage on a house and slaving constantly to support it. You don't actually have to live in a van, you can live in an RV or a boat or whatever. I was impressed enough to change my views and change the way I live on my property without having to go on the road.

One person found this


5.0 out of 5 stars

 Awesome Book!

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on January 22, 2021

I'm a huge Bob Wells Fan! He teaches you everything you need to know about living in anything on wheels. I'm waiting for my new 17 foot Casita travel trailer to come in and then I'm going to be a nomad like him. What an awesome way to live. Everything you need to know is in this book! Follow (Bob Wells) on you tube.. You will never be homeless... I hope to meet him someday and he can sign my book... Awesome guy!!


5.0 out of 5 stars

 Don't Write Off Your Life Until You Read This Book!

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on October 31, 2017

Bob made every aspect of living in a car, van or RV as practical and clear to understand for anyone who reads this book. He doesn't sugar-coat life as a "nomad" nor does he make it sound like it's only for the odd or estranged loners of the world. Regular folks, good homey folks, who have had it with being cooped up in house or apartment in one spot who just want to go see America while the time is still young.

If you would read this book and watch everything on Bob's YouTube channel, Cheap RV Living, as he interviews other nomads and road trekkers why they embarked on the road, you will get more than enough information to make the right decision and possibly check it out for yourself. The book is an easy read and it was worth the money!

2 people found this


3.0 out of 5 stars

 Good Read

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on August 25, 2022

I found this informative.
Good Read.

One person found this

Kindle Customer

5.0 out of 5 stars

 A warm welcome to your future!

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on December 26, 2020

It is likely that you have seen or read about Bob Wells, already. This book is a comprehensive beginning to becoming a vehicle-dwelling nomad, and it is written to any and all of us who will. It is a quick read, yet there are parts I plan to revisit to make some notes. The tone of Bob's writing, the image of his white-framed face, and his encouragement of personal choices leave me confident that I can and will do this!

Kindle Customer-SamiB

4.0 out of 5 stars

 So , really found this book to be full of great information for someone getting started on the road.

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on August 15, 2021

Although it was written some time ago it is especially relevant now, with C-19 & the steep rise for people looking for affordable options & living free of city constraints.


4.0 out of 5 stars

 Review of How To Live In A Van

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on November 14, 2020

This was an enjoyable read to say the least. I really laughed when reading about how living in a van helped get the author in top physical shape. Since he went to gym everyday to take a shower he decided why not work out since he was already at the gym. LOL

One person found this


3.0 out of 5 stars

 Fantasy Made Real And Tough

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on May 8, 2016

This is a very basic primer aimed at anyone who thinks they might want to live in a vehicle. The primary mover would be a life crisis so the author aims his advice for the poor (but rich in spirit). This is not a travel book but an honest and sometimes searing assessment of what it takes to rebel against society's conventions.
How to choose a vehicle or how to make do with what you have. How to equip it for living, preferably a van, how to camp stealthily in plain sight, how to live on not much money at all. How to be free in short on four wheels.
It's an easy read and offers insight into the mind of marginal dwellers but as one who has lived in small spaces and enjoyed travel the book falls short on personal anecdote and stories of traveling. As the practical how-to stuff ends the book comes to an abrupt halt and the part I wanted, the stories just aren't there.
Survivalists, recently divorced, the suddenly poor can glean useful stuff. Those seeking escapist literature should look elsewhere.
A quick read and fascinating in its way.

Customer image

36 people found this

B Brown

4.0 out of 5 stars

 Living Rough

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on May 13, 2021

This book is full of good tips, but I still don’t know how the author meets and forms so many friendships where he says he parks. Having contact with others in the same situation would be important.

Terry T.

5.0 out of 5 stars

 How to Live -, should be the title

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on May 28, 2015

This book is the answer to all of the questions one may have about this lifestyle. The Author, Bob Wells, has explained the choices and experiences he has encountered and some of the best ways to make the change. This book is written as a great reading book and as an instructional book for the people who want OUT of this Rat Race we are in. This book is NOT fictional in any way. I am not a big reader, however, I cannot put this book down. It is full of different things about how to live, what to Live and what to live for. Your Health, your Mind and Spiritual well being are all covered, not guided, just covered. As I read, I feel like I am at a campfire with an Indian Chief explaining everything, my challenges, my rewards and what I can expect from these experiences.

3 people found this

Mrs. Josette Ulrich-Tharp

5.0 out of 5 stars

 Truly book

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on December 15, 2016

I have been following Bob online
Through his videos & website ,he has helped me without knowing ,to get out of bed daily .
Truly wanting this life
As my only daughter age 19 was killed suddenly
24 months ago
Negligently at a hospital .
Grief changes your out look on life and all we thought LIFE WAS SUPPOSE TO BE .
I want freedom from the rat race , The uncompassionate people
I once thought stood next to me .
I know my daughter would want me to live out my days
Like her , volunteering , the out doors and helping others .
Thank you for such a way for me to grieve .
Peaceful with nature and frugal ...

4 people found this

V. Duckworth

5.0 out of 5 stars

 Great Informative Book

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on July 26, 2021

I really enjoyed this book. I have no intention of ever living this lifestyle but I am fascinated by it. I know Bob Wells is an expert and well-respected. I have watched many of his videos on YouTube and found them so interesting. The book is comprehensive and full of useful information. Great read.

William Suttle

4.0 out of 5 stars

 Great book

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on December 13, 2020

I watch Bob Wells on YouTube. His voice definitely comes through, despite me using the text to speech lady reading it to me. I learned a lot from the book, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I would recommend it to everyone.

William Weekley

4.0 out of 5 stars

 This book explains much of what I would need to do if I wanted to get away.

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on March 14, 2013

I've often used the excuse of the high prices of motorhomes and camping trailers for not allowing me to get out and travel and experience this wonderful country. This book shows me how I could do it on the cheap. Now I have no excuses. I know many are doing just as he has done and I could to. The author shows me ways that I could get by without paying high camping fees or any camping site fees at all if I choose. He explains how to rig up electronics and cooking appliances, how to keep water, etc. In short, he has touched upon almost all the questions I had and some I had now known enough to ask. When I've got a question I'll be sure to refer back to it.

One person found this

Karla McNeese

4.0 out of 5 stars

 Introduction to Rv Living

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on June 19, 2021

Covers the basics but due for an update. Check Reddit or newer titles for a better idea of how to boondock or RV full time.


3.0 out of 5 stars

 Mmmm....meh....wouldn't recommend if your dollar is needed elsewhere

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on September 3, 2020

This could do with some serious editing. Very repetitive. Poor sentence structure. Many simple mistakes that should have been caught but weren't. Got half way through and hadn't really learned much more than what I could have picked up on the web. It felt like a long-winded list. Having said that, I admire the author's spirit and enthusiasm......I too cannot stand to live in buildings (excempting my small Alaska dry log cabins). I feel more claustrophobic and not at home in standard buildings than tents or vans. Will try and finish the book at some point but only because I always like to finish what i've started.
UPDATE: Ok....I gave up. I wouldn't recommend. Sorry.

5.0 out of 5 stars

 A much needed guide

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on October 1, 2021

This book is full of useful information for the beginning vandweller or even beginning full-time RVer. I wish it had been available in 1992 when my (now deceased) better half and I moved into a motorhome for a few years.

Judith Cipolla

4.0 out of 5 stars

 Good information for the average person

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on January 31, 2014

A relative has recently retired and was looking for information on RVing and how to live on the road. I purchased this for him to read. He would have written this review however, he is out in the woods camping in his conversion van. Lots of information on living off the grid and enjoying the wonders of free camping and life on a shoe string budget. Anyone who knows a relative who has had to face the prospect of being homeless, would find a lot of rewarding suggestions on the pro's and con's of life in a small confined area. The author seemed to thrive living in a van. If he could do it, anyone could seems to be the message.

Peter M. Kilkenny

3.0 out of 5 stars

 Figure out if you're the target audience before you buy this book.

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on July 21, 2014

The consolation prize for readers is that this is a short book. Perhaps I had hoped for something more informative on the subject of quasi-transient living but what I got was basically a brief treatise on how to be broke as all get out and still manage to live. Having already been broke as all get out and surviving and eventually thriving, this book wasn't for me. There appear to be two sets of target for this book: People who know that they're about to hit a catastrophic life changing financial event (such as a messy divorce, as was the case of the author) or folks who just have to be move around. I don't fit into either of these categories. I've been a very very very poor college student. This didn't have anything for me. I can however appreciate that for those in the two target audiences mentioned that this book might have some and/or useful information in it. (Hence the three star rating versus something lesser, which wouldn't be fair to those who really could learn from this.)

4 people found this

Rich Locus

4.0 out of 5 stars

 Excellent book!

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on September 17, 2021

The book contained valuable information on how to live successfully in a Van.

Linda Muro

5.0 out of 5 stars

 Started out with a Kindle version

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on April 14, 2014

Was going to give four stars and then changed my mind. Seems it could have gone even farther.... But, consider (after reading the kindle version) I purchased two copies in book form, one for a friend who is interested in traveling in this fashion and the other for my husband who I won't share my kindle with.... There is some good information in here and it's an easy read. The fellow who wrote this has a lifestyle that isn't for everybody, but you can see through the book that it is do-able. Maybe this is the definitive "stealth-camping" guide. By my standards, some authors have missed the idea of "stealth." A great deal of what he has to say can be used in any kind of small van--I can't get excited about the idea living or traveling in a car, although some people are having to do that.

One person found this


5.0 out of 5 stars

 Super Informative and Easy to Read

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on January 13, 2018

Mr. Wells really knows what he’s talking about because he has actually lived this lifestyle for a long time and he truly cares about sharing his experience with others who choose this lifestyle or are unwillingly forced into it. I found him on YouTube initially, and found his perspectives so intriguing that I purchased this book even though I’m not a vandweller. We are planning to be full time RV’ers soon living in a pop-up camper for now and nearly everything in this book applies to pretty much any nomadic lifestyle, so I highly recommend it! Thank you Mr. Wells for sharing your knowledge with us “newbies”. Hope to someday meet you and thank you in person.

37 people found this


5.0 out of 5 stars

 Freedom in Abundance.

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on April 2, 2022

Great, SImple read to help you adjust to a new way of life and freedom, this is your roadmap forward.

Kindle Rob

5.0 out of 5 stars

 Invaluable Resource for would-be Nomads, Campers and Van/Car Dwellers

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on January 20, 2019

This book is just chock full of great info for those new to this arena and looking to make the road their home. Personally I have decided that I may try tent living and using my car to travel around the country. Bob teaches you what you need to know to hit the road safely. What a wonderful way to follow your dream or simply try out an alternative way of living to escape the hectic modern world. I've really enjoyed watching his videos on YouTube as well. He has decades of experience and this book is essential for newbies to get started.

3 people found this

Michael McIntyre

4.0 out of 5 stars

 Just What I Wanted to Do!

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on March 6, 2019

Ever since retiring from the Army, I wanted to go all over the U.S. visiting those places I had not been to as a soldier. Everything I had read led me to believe it was inexpensive, relatively safe and a whale of a lot more interesting than living in an overpriced apartment. Even though I had been sick with heart disease, I think I can do this and start feeling better.

One person found this


5.0 out of 5 stars

 Camping by Choice or Necessity

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on March 11, 2018

This gives you great ideas for camping by choice or necessity. After reading this book I'm much more informed and armed for difficult times be they zombie invasions, weather catastrophes or economic collapse. In the meanwhile, this book gives me a sense of excessive over-abundance in my life and a desire to spend less and simplify my world. It's an easy read and a good book to have when your internet goes down or you just want to escape from blue light devices. This book made me realize I don't need to be a full-out prepper to have some necessary items to get through difficult times.

2 people found this

5.0 out of 5 stars

 A much needed guide

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on October 1, 2021

This book is full of useful information for the beginning vandweller or even beginning full-time RVer. I wish it had been available in 1992 when my (now deceased) better half and I moved into a motorhome for a few years.

Judith Cipolla

4.0 out of 5 stars

 Good information for the average person

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on January 31, 2014

A relative has recently retired and was looking for information on RVing and how to live on the road. I purchased this for him to read. He would have written this review however, he is out in the woods camping in his conversion van. Lots of information on living off the grid and enjoying the wonders of free camping and life on a shoe string budget. Anyone who knows a relative who has had to face the prospect of being homeless, would find a lot of rewarding suggestions on the pro's and con's of life in a small confined area. The author seemed to thrive living in a van. If he could do it, anyone could seems to be the message.

Peter M. Kilkenny

3.0 out of 5 stars

 Figure out if you're the target audience before you buy this book.

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on July 21, 2014

The consolation prize for readers is that this is a short book. Perhaps I had hoped for something more informative on the subject of quasi-transient living but what I got was basically a brief treatise on how to be broke as all get out and still manage to live. Having already been broke as all get out and surviving and eventually thriving, this book wasn't for me. There appear to be two sets of target for this book: People who know that they're about to hit a catastrophic life changing financial event (such as a messy divorce, as was the case of the author) or folks who just have to be move around. I don't fit into either of these categories. I've been a very very very poor college student. This didn't have anything for me. I can however appreciate that for those in the two target audiences mentioned that this book might have some and/or useful information in it. (Hence the three star rating versus something lesser, which wouldn't be fair to those who really could learn from this.)

4 people found this

Rich Locus

4.0 out of 5 stars

 Excellent book!

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on September 17, 2021

The book contained valuable information on how to live successfully in a Van.

Linda Muro

5.0 out of 5 stars

 Started out with a Kindle version

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on April 14, 2014

Was going to give four stars and then changed my mind. Seems it could have gone even farther.... But, consider (after reading the kindle version) I purchased two copies in book form, one for a friend who is interested in traveling in this fashion and the other for my husband who I won't share my kindle with.... There is some good information in here and it's an easy read. The fellow who wrote this has a lifestyle that isn't for everybody, but you can see through the book that it is do-able. Maybe this is the definitive "stealth-camping" guide. By my standards, some authors have missed the idea of "stealth." A great deal of what he has to say can be used in any kind of small van--I can't get excited about the idea living or traveling in a car, although some people are having to do that.

One person found this


5.0 out of 5 stars

 Super Informative and Easy to Read

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on January 13, 2018

Mr. Wells really knows what he’s talking about because he has actually lived this lifestyle for a long time and he truly cares about sharing his experience with others who choose this lifestyle or are unwillingly forced into it. I found him on YouTube initially, and found his perspectives so intriguing that I purchased this book even though I’m not a vandweller. We are planning to be full time RV’ers soon living in a pop-up camper for now and nearly everything in this book applies to pretty much any nomadic lifestyle, so I highly recommend it! Thank you Mr. Wells for sharing your knowledge with us “newbies”. Hope to someday meet you and thank you in person.

37 people found this


5.0 out of 5 stars

 Freedom in Abundance.

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on April 2, 2022

Great, SImple read to help you adjust to a new way of life and freedom, this is your roadmap forward.

Kindle Rob

5.0 out of 5 stars

 Invaluable Resource for would-be Nomads, Campers and Van/Car Dwellers

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on January 20, 2019

This book is just chock full of great info for those new to this arena and looking to make the road their home. Personally I have decided that I may try tent living and using my car to travel around the country. Bob teaches you what you need to know to hit the road safely. What a wonderful way to follow your dream or simply try out an alternative way of living to escape the hectic modern world. I've really enjoyed watching his videos on YouTube as well. He has decades of experience and this book is essential for newbies to get started.

3 people found this

Michael McIntyre

4.0 out of 5 stars

 Just What I Wanted to Do!

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on March 6, 2019

Ever since retiring from the Army, I wanted to go all over the U.S. visiting those places I had not been to as a soldier. Everything I had read led me to believe it was inexpensive, relatively safe and a whale of a lot more interesting than living in an overpriced apartment. Even though I had been sick with heart disease, I think I can do this and start feeling better.

One person found this


5.0 out of 5 stars

 Camping by Choice or Necessity

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on March 11, 2018

This gives you great ideas for camping by choice or necessity. After reading this book I'm much more informed and armed for difficult times be they zombie invasions, weather catastrophes or economic collapse. In the meanwhile, this book gives me a sense of excessive over-abundance in my life and a desire to spend less and simplify my world. It's an easy read and a good book to have when your internet goes down or you just want to escape from blue light devices. This book made me realize I don't need to be a full-out prepper to have some necessary items to get through difficult times.

2 people found this

5.0 out of 5 stars

 Bob Wells is The Man!

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on September 10, 2016

So I bought Vanabode first, and I really liked that book. It was from exploring the van living lifestyle that I came across Bob Wells. I first saw Bob Wells on YouTube putting his head into the jaws of a compost toilet, when the lady he was interviewing said, "You know that that is a working toilet?" Awesome! I strongly advise those with an interest to watch Bob on YouTube. He conducts excellent interviews (and domicile reveals) with many of the rubber tramps out there. If you are interested in living the life of a van dweller (as a choice), I recommend this book for all of its pertinent information. While I like the Vanabode book also, Bob's book costs less.

4 people found this


5.0 out of 5 stars

 Just what I needed useful getting started information.

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on October 6, 2021

I am being forced into a van, but I want to make it a choice. This book covers many answers to the stress of a total life change. The book shows in not alone out there.


5.0 out of 5 stars

 Really impressed by Bob Well's knowledge.

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on September 25, 2020

Read this in two days....Bob has spent years living as well as interviewing those who have chosen not to live in brick and mortar homes. His sensitivity for those thrown into living a lifestyle they may have due to circumstances beyond their control is touching....he is an inspiration. He started a non profit after writing the book to further educate on alternative living.

Danny Sawyer

5.0 out of 5 stars

 Future road warrior!

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on October 1, 2018

I wanted to thank you for the insperation and the advise from your book and also your cheaprvliving website. I have been working on my project for about 3- months now, securing materials and equipment that I'll need to go into my build. I am looking at a cargo trailer turned into a camper along with a van to pull it with. I am currently an overtheroad truck driver working on saving the money to pay for my project, (the
time in that small space will prepare me for anything), I appreciate your time and your wisdom, safe travels, Danny.

Kindle Customer

4.0 out of 5 stars

 From an "Old RVr"

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on January 5, 2013

I have been RV'n for a long time so most of this is not new information. I think that for someone just exploring the idea of living in a Van or small RV this is going to answer some questions they might have about how to do it. Living in non-standard vehicle without the usual facilities an RV would have takes some imaginative thinking and this book might have some answers for you. Living in a small RV is not hard just takes planning and forethought. Many people do it for short periods of time while others do it for a more permanent life style some because they want to and others because they have to either way some information may be gleaned from reading this book.

World Traveler

5.0 out of 5 stars

 Great for getting started

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on February 5, 2021

I am not planning on living in a camper.

I’m buying a used Nissan NV200 van to modify for extended travel. Bob explains things so that even inexperienced, first-time campers can understand and follow through on.

I’m looking forward to using some of the book’s ideas and hitting the road.


5.0 out of 5 stars

 Very informative!

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on August 1, 2021

I loved the honesty and wealth of information provided. The format of listing pros and cons for different options was especially . I also enjoyed the authors perspective on the lifestyle and societal aspect of van life.

Joseph Kimbrough

5.0 out of 5 stars

 Van Life book

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on March 1, 2021

although the book is for Van life even if you live in a home it's a lot of useful information for camping or if you want to take road trips, really really like this book it's worth ever Penny it's only like a8 dollars, thank you Bob Wells ?￰゚ムヘ

Electronic Shopper Service

5.0 out of 5 stars

 Great introduction primer

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on May 12, 2021

This is a great introduction to the basics of van living. Bob Wells is the original godfather of this industry segment. With this book and his youtube channel you have the information you need to start living your mobile life.


5.0 out of 5 stars

 A Must-Have If You Are Considering The Lifestyle!

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on October 26, 2015

I just love this book. It is well written and just very engaging if you are interested in pursuing an alternative lifestyle of which, I really am. It is written like the author is talking to you alone and helping you explore whether this lifestyle would be for you or not. It also very basic so not a lot of hem and haw which I dearly appreciate. This is a good, basic outline of the lifestyle, questions that you ask yourself and encouragement to those that say "Yes, this is what I have been looking for." Know that I am usually someone that doesn't find many books "engaging" enough to go past the first few pages.

One person found this

5.0 out of 5 stars

 Thanks Bob!

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on December 7, 2016

After following Bob Wells on YouTube, first through Enigmatic Nomadic and now on Bob Wells channel, I finally decided to buy his book.
It is written in the chatty, fatherly manner that I so appreciate from his channel. It was nice to be able to hear his voice in my head as I read.
This is a quick and informative read and set up in such a manner as to allow skipping around to the topics one is most interested in.
What I love best is the great encouragement and confidence Bob generously dishes out without ever coming across as preachy or cultish; just a take it or leave it kind of guy.

51 people found this

Sasha K.

5.0 out of 5 stars

 excellent educational information

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on November 3, 2021

Very informative book and easy to read. Bob digs deep on each part of van life. If your even curious about this lifestyle must read.

Ben Brown

5.0 out of 5 stars

 Practical Advice

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on December 29, 2021

Bob is the real deal, his website is great and this is a nice summary of his work. Highly recommend

TG in Tennessee

5.0 out of 5 stars

 I am very glad I bought this book!

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on June 26, 2016

My wife and I are in our mid-fifties and are considering whether to take an extended period of time and see the country. I purchased the Kindle version of this book and read it in two days. The book contains practical advice for how to live in a van and it contains life advice that will make you think about what you actually value. Both types of advice get five stars. Moreover, the book paid for itself many times over with the practical information provided. I made notes as I read it. I never leave reviews, but I feel so strongly about this book that I want to encourage others to read it.

2 people found this

Desert Lady

5.0 out of 5 stars

 I love, love, love this book!

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on February 1, 2018

This book contains a wealth of information and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it!

I feel so inspired by this book that I'm tempted to immediately buy a used cargo van and start converting it into a camper van!

I'd like the links on the last page to be updated because they all lead to the same webpage, but other than that, I have no complaint about this fabulous book.

I recommend this book to anyone interested in, or perhaps just curious about, this van-dwelling phenomenon.

Robert Wells has given us a true masterpiece!!

3 people found this

Linda Jekel

5.0 out of 5 stars

 Very clear, humane, interesting

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on April 25, 2021

RECOMMENDED--I read a bit each day. Encouraging. It is a great reference too. One thing: unlike Bob, I am a fan of the compact, multi-use JACKERY 300 for power. Bob is a wonderful resource.


5.0 out of 5 stars


Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on October 8, 2021

I don’t know this man, but I adore him. This book was incredibly and uplifting at the same time. I loved it.

D. Ritchey

5.0 out of 5 stars

 The best book on van dwelling bar none!

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on February 7, 2016

There are a lot of books on living in one's vehicle, but this is the very best, and (I think) one of the first on van dwelling. Based on his considerable experience, he walks you through the various possibilities of car, van, and RVing full time. He answered all my questions and posed problems I hadn't thought of yet. I was inspired to make the leap to full time RV living based on this book, encouraged that I could do it. He's a great cheerleader. I want to make it to one of his RTRs some Winter, not only to learn more, but to say thanks in person for his great example.

One person found this

T in AZ

5.0 out of 5 stars

 A great place to start

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on September 11, 2020

Whether by choice or necessity, mobile living just might be the answer you are looking for. For me, it's a lifesaver, literally. Simply "fading away in a recliner" was not how I envisioned my later years - but that's exactly what was happening. No more! I will not die an un-lived life.

One person found this


5.0 out of 5 stars

 This a brutally honest guide to van life with many tips for non-van-lifers too Well done Bob!

Reviewed in the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ on June 21, 2021

I like its clear exploration of the sometimes not so obvious van life needs.
He's smart enough to not dwell on things that just can't be controlled, but plan wisely.

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