Saturday, April 23, 2022

Snowmobiling – An Adventure Everyone Needs to Experience (at least once)


Snowmobiling – An Adventure Everyone Needs to Experience (at least once)>
Travel Experta Podcast Cover Snowmobiling

mom and two son teens with a snowmobile on the snow in utah


a group of people preparing for a snowmobile tour in utah


Today we’re going to be talking about snowmobiling. Yes, snowmobiling tours. Unbelievable. Must do.

Are you guys ready to make everyday An adventure? So I have done a snowmobile tour one time like six or seven years ago in Vermont with me and my husband. And this time around me and my sons were going to Utah mainly. The Utah trip is supposed to be a climbing trip my boys climb. Utah is considered to be one of the best bouldering, I don’t know areas in the United States.

However, since I don’t climb, I get Mama days and my Mama day was snowmobile tour. So we stayed in Salt Lake City. The majority of the snowmobile tours, I would say actually all of them are in the mountain region. So I made a reservation there’s quite a few different companies and they all seem to be pretty good and reputable. It depends on your price.

two kids getting ready for a snowmobile tour

They all range between $189 for 2 hours to $400 for 4 hours. So that’s another thing that it’s really important to know. They do have tours from 2 hours to 4 hours group tours. You could obviously just rent a snowmobile if you have experience. If you don’t do not rent a snowmobile, you really want to be in a tour because of the terrain, knowing where to go.

And also you want to decide do you want to go 2 hours, 4 hours? I decided on the 2 hours simply because I thought 2 hours is going to be more than enough. I think that’s fine. So my sons are eleven and 18. My eleven year old was not allowed to drive on his own.

Mainly now that after we’ve done it, I realized why. It’s a really powerful machine. It’s really difficult for such small kids to ride. So I think up to 16 years old, they do have to sit and back and that’s usually $50 extra per person. So you pay for the machine for 2 hours.

Plus you add $50 for that extra person to sit with you. So I rented two. Well, I took two, one for my oldest son, one for me. And we arrived at this beautiful mountainous operator where we got our snowmobiles. And it was interesting because we came in March and it was already like it was in the 50s 60s.

So snow melts the weather. But they take you up into the mountains and it is unbelievable. To be honest with you, this is a must do tour. It’s a must do tour. Snowmobiling is just so great.

And I’ll also be really honest with you, 2 hours was enough. It is a powerful vehicle. I cannot imagine what more you could possibly see after 2 hours, right? If you are a mobile gourmet specialist, that’s one thing. But if you’re just going for the fun of it, I personally think 2 hours filled the need completely.

It was an awesome trip because it takes an hour to get there. Even if you’re staying in park city or any of the skiing villages it’s still a good 45 minutes drive to pretty much any of the Outfitters for the snowmobiles Because they have their own personal farms that they do it on and so it’s 45 minutes there 45 minutes back so it’s the whole adventure, right? And honestly, 2 hours was more than enough. It’s a hard vehicle. You do get tired after a while gratefully we had unbelievable weather but it is a snowmobile tour.

You can get Blizzard, you can get really crappy weather and they don’t stop they don’t cancel tours for that and I don’t think you have a chance to cancel yours either. I think they give you 48 hours so you don’t know if there’s going to be a snowstorm coming through so just have that. They do give you some places to rent gear as in clothes and helmets and goggles and all that. The place that we were at gave it to us for free. It was included and also they say do you want to pay for insurance for the vehicle?

If you have travel insurance, you’re covered. You do not need to pay an extra 20 $30 per vehicle for this. So there’s no reason for that, right? And the tour if you’re doing a two hour tour, it is made for beginners. There is nothing crazy.

You’re going to be doing enough to damage your snowmobile. All right, guys, so if you have a chance to do a snowmobile tour anywhere in the world I’m pretty sure this is how it is for everywhere in the world. Go for it, do it. It is pricey. But you know what?

You only live once and you have to make every day an adventure. So if you need any more advice on any other cool adventures go to travel expert with an a dot com and if you guys enjoyed this episode please leave a review and share this is Marina travelexperta.

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By: Marina 'Travel Experta'
Title: Snowmobiling – An Adventure Everyone Needs to Experience (at least once)
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Published Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2022 16:31:00 +0000

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