Thursday, April 14, 2022

Why should Nepal be your next destination?


Why should Nepal be your next destination?>

In a world full of city noise, disturbing lights, and pollution, there’s a tiny nation in South Asia where people still live the life that represents the 17th century. Within the Himalayas range, there lies a land with the world’s tallest mountain, beautiful subtropical forest, and pristine river following between these villages. 

Where the bird never fails to sing and much Himalayan rear wildlife keeps on dancing. The hidden villages, white-washed monastery, and their religious insight make a stunning scenario. 

All these natural wonder blends to make the most beautiful view in the world. 

If you are thinking that the old buildings and fancy hotels in the classic cities make the greatest holiday in the world, you are missing a lot. Imagine being surrounded by the world’s tallest Himalayas while enjoying the most magical views. 

Let us convince you “Why should Nepal be your next destination?”

Where is Nepal?

Nepal is a small land-locked country in South Asia that is tucked in between India and China. This beautiful nation lies next to Bhutan which is also an interesting destination. Kathmandu is the capital of Nepal where you can fly from almost all regions of the world. Or you can get a flight to India and then fly/ drive to Nepal. 

Why should Nepal be your next destination

Nepal is cheap

Being one of the third-world countries, Nepalese currency has low value in comparison to US dollars. In Kathmandu, you can get a fine hotel for less than $15 and a great meal for less than $3. Everything comes at an economic rate, making it a great holiday destination for backpackers. Although the trekking route in Nepal is a bit expensive, Nepal still ranks as a very cheap country to visit. The luxurious tour in Nepal is usually very affordable. 

Nepal is clean and safe

Thinking of a poor South Asian nation might not give a pleasant image to your mind. However, this Himalayan nation is very clean and safe. Most trekking trails in Nepal have been hidden from the world, preserving their true beauty in the most intact form. The air is so pure that there are no traces of pollution and dirt. Cities however can be a bit polluted. 

Also, it’s a safe destination for solo hikes. Cases of theft, robbery and attack on a tourist are almost nill and people are very helpful. 

The views are breathtaking

Don’t imagine just mountains. The scenery of lakes and rivers falling out of those mountains are actually breathtaking. Nepal is actually the world’s second-richest country in water resources. The distinct views of landscape ranging from the tropical evergreen forest in Chitwan to alpine grassland in Everest and the semi-arid land of Manang/ Mustang give a wholesome experience. 

Hub for adventurous tourism 

From luxury tourism to different hikes to Everest base camp, Nepal has something for everyone. 

The high hills and mountains of Nepal make many great sports possible within nature. One can engage in sports such as paragliding, sky-walking, bungee jumping, Zip-lining, and above all, skydiving. Tourists particularly enjoy the white water rafting in the swift following perennial rivers of Nepal. Other rowing, horse-riding, boating, etc in the beautiful city is fun. 

Nepal’s diversity is amazing

Nepal might be one of the smallest countries in the world, but it is also the most diverse one. People of over a hundred ethnic groups, each following a different culture, lifestyle, and language are all bound to live in harmony. Despite such diversity, Nepal has not been in one single internal war and conflict. In each part of the country you visit, you can see people engaging in different cultures, different festivals, and different clothes. You get to live all that. 

Along with cultural diversity, the natural diversity i.e. range of flora and fauna in Nepal is unbelievable. If you visit Nepal in Spring (March, May, and April), you will understand how pleasing Nepal can be. 

Amazing food

One of the most interesting parts of the journey is its food. Nepal is rich in diverse cultures and religion is a center for traditional food recipes. The unique Newari, Thakali, and Maithili foods are a must-try. With the great influence of India and China, Nepal is now a hub for international cuisine. You are going to love the taste of Nepalese food. The local wines and coffee here are a must-try. 

It’s a country to find peace

We mostly plan a holiday to escape from the real world and rejuvenate our souls. What could be a better place to do that than the country of peace itself? 

Firstly, Nepal is the birthplace of Gautam Buddha who is known to spray love and happiness into the world. Next, the calmness of the mountains of Nepal has enlightened many great Gurus. You will certainly find peace and discover your purpose while wandering in the remote lands of the mountains. 


That was it. 

If Nepal is not already on your bucket list, add it now. 

This is a nation that every person in this world should visit at least once and Nepal deserves to be your next destination.

The post Why should Nepal be your next destination? appeared first on Travel Experta - Travel, Lifestyle, Freedom.


By: Marina 'Travel Experta'
Title: Why should Nepal be your next destination?
Sourced From:
Published Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2022 14:54:10 +0000

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